Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Conjuring God?
Monday, October 30, 2006
cylon fever
The moon is under my feet...
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Third family
Bite Me!
But I knew I needed help, so I called my wife up to the operating room (The bathroom) and had her go at it. After a short list of expletives and bare knuckling the wall and a lot of drainage I had her stop. Then she took off the bandaid on the lower wound and about got sick...full of puss and after cleaning it left a nice size hole about the shape of a nickel. So I decided to go in again. Doctor saw me, said he was glad I came in because the infection can spread to the blood and cause a host of other issues. Said the lower wound looks bad but is actually coming along well...draining is good for these kind of things.
But the upper arm needed to be cut open to release the stuff that was inside...so he lovingly stuck my already screaming bulge of sensitivity with some needles. That was about as fun as chewing glass. So after feeling like I wanted to wet my pants he cut it open, drained it and then said he needed the PROBE. Now where I come from the word probe always sounds bad, no matter what it is. Sure enough it was bad...the probe, is used to stick into open flesh and look around for anything hiding inside. Because according to him, the abscess was deep...no kidding. So he packed it full of gauss so that the drainage could continue and not build up inside the wound. As you can see from the picture it is working.
So there you go...oh I forgot, after all that the nice nurse betty said I needed a shot of high powered antibiotics in my butt...drop your shorts sir this will sting.
Yep, it did.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Breath of God
After darkness, light.
The hidden mines of God...
If those who are called philosophers, especially the Platonists, have said things which are indeed true and are well accommodated to our faith, they should not b e feared; rather what they have said should be taken from them as from unjust possessors and converted to our use. Just as the Egyptians has not only idols and grave burdens which the people of Israel detested and avoided, so also they had vases and ornaments of gold and silver and clothing which the israelites took with them secretly when they fled as if to put them to a better use. They did not do this on their own authority but at God’s commandment, while the Egyptians unwittingly supplied them with things they themselves did not use well.
In the same way all the teachings of the pagans contain not only simulated and superstitious imaginings and grave burdens of unnecessary labor, which each one of us leaving the society of pagans under the leadership of Christ ought to abominate and avoid but also liberal disciplines more suited to the uses of truth, and some most useful precepts concerning morals. Even some truths concerning the worship of one God are discovered among them. These are, as it were, their gold and silver, which they did not institute themselves but dug up from certain mines of Divine providence, which is everywhere infused and perversely and injuriously abused in the worship of demons.
When the Christian separates himself in spirit from their miserable society, he should take this treasure with him for just use of teaching the gospel. And their clothing, which is made up of those human institutions which are accommodated to human society and necessary to the conduct of life, should be seized and held to be converted to christian uses. ---Saint Augustine “On Christian Doctrine” book two, #6o
Happy Reformation month!!!
Devils don't laugh...
It's a sad thing that many have become imprisoned in a block of religious ice that has frozen them. They are stiff and bland, afraid of humanness or life. They project a world in shadows instead of dawning light. They see evil everywhere, in the person, in the food, in the arts, in the fields, in the home, in conversations. They remind me of the person with the eyes of darkness, soon they become filled with shadows. They can't see light only the black. Such religion has the fall as the first act of creation and not the "IT IS GOOD" as the first proclamation of God. Creation and goodness is what we are returning to. It is what we are being transformed into from faith to faith. We are not as we will be but we are becoming more than we were.
He is called the Sunrise from on High in the book of Malachi for a reason. Jesus himself said that it was now day and we were to work in the knowledge that night was coming when no man can work. BUT that night is NOT HERE YET! The earth is being filled with the light of the knowledge of God found in the face of Christ. His face is shinning with the light of the Sun and when it hits full day, we shall be transformed by that light into his image, even our own bodies will be changed in that hour.
According to scriptures the dawn came with the birth of the Son...so what time is it now? Whatever time it is, it is time to reveal life as God calls it to be lived. We walk in the light not the shadows. He is the light of life...and those who follow Him are free in that light, to live with joy, to laugh often and to love passionately and fervently, to exude hope and faith like one who is dangerously confident.
Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereupon thou hast attained. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-6).
Notice what the doctrines that demons bring, notice what it is that they cause people to depart from, are seduced by and listen to. Notice the words “forbidding and commanding and abstaining” compared to the words “created, received, thanksgiving, truth, good”. Now gather with most christians or listen to most sermons and tell me...which set of words do you hear the most? What point of reference is their gospel coming from? What “doctrines” are they teaching? Where do those thoughts about God, life and truth come from? I submit to you that much of what is communicated isn’t the truth of the Gospel but yet more perverted truth of a fallen serpent...doctrines of demons.
After Darkness, Light!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
My loathsome Archenemy

There have been about 175 reported bites from the Hobo spider. Although the bite of the hobo spider usually is initially painless, the bite of the hobo spider can be serious. About 50% of Hobo spider bites are "dry", meaning that no venom is injected and nothing happens to the victim. Typically when the venom is injected, the victim will experience an immediate redness, which develops around the bite then may begin to disappear within a few hours. The most commonly reported symptom is severe headache. Other symptoms can include nausea, weakness, fatigue, temporary memory loss, and vision impairment.
Very often for the first 24 hours it may appear no worse then a mosquito bite, then it appears to blister in the center. Within 24-36 hours the blister breaks open, leaving an open, oozing ulceration. Lesions generally heal within 45 days, but can result in a permanent scar, and healing can require up to 3 years if the bite occurred in fatty tissue.

As you can see the bite has progressed. It is now a painful producer of putrid puss. Imagine placing a egg sized mass of swollen tissue under your skin and every time you put pressure on it, out oozes its contents. Then travel a few inches up into the glands in your arm pit and inflame them to a nice couple of olive sized irritants. I am now the patron saint of spider slaying. All Arachnids shall taste the black rubber of my vengeful boots!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
spawn of satan
Monday, October 23, 2006
tithe your herbs
But woe unto you, Pharisees! for ye tithe mint and rue and all manner of herbs, and pass over judgment and the love of God: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.
Finally a tithe has come in of herbs. Some joker dropped this in the offering after listening to one of my sermons on how the priests of the new testament were devouring widow's houses with their extra-biblical teachings on giving. I had made a comment about how I never saw someone who believes in tithing and who quoted Luke 11:42 ever bring an offering from their spice rack at home...well now I can't say that anymore.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Moon light
He is so funny, he was telling me how Kan Shwe was laughing at the 2 liters of Pepsi...every thing is so big here! Moon Light and I took him to eat his first McDonalds cheeseburger. When we were ordering he saw the apple pie and wanted to try that but when we ate everything what he really liked was the french fries! I feel like I've already corrupted them, but ohhhhhhh it tasted so good and all the smiles at the table seemed to confirm that.
kids are kids...
They came from a rural village, bamboo huts with no doors. They cooked by open fires outside and a host of other completely non-urban, western stuff. But...show the girls a cute pair of shoes and there comes a smile.
Little Bah Ehdoh was chasing Austin around the house the other night singing "Happy, Happy Home"; in moments like that you realize the human heart longs for the same things no matter where it may come from.
2nd KaRen family arrived...

The second KaRen family arrived Thursday night. They are: Kan (dad) Lee (Mom) Clow(12), Klee(11), Bah Eh Doo (3).
It was quite a different arrival than the first family, this time there was a family reunion at the airport. Lee is Yoo Yue's sister, so Moon Lights family were so excited to see relatives and welcome them to their new home. You can see that joy in the faces of the two youngest as they hug each other.

We also secured a second duplex for the Shwee family and they signed the lease on Saturday and we will move them in on Wednesday. The place was trashed when we looked at it originally but the landlord really put a lot of work into it and it was fine when we looked at it yesterday. Now we just need to furnish it and it will move from a house to a home. It's a two bedroom home and when Kan saw it inside, he remarked to Moon Light that it was SO BIG! He thought they would have to have somebody else live with them because it was so large :) Oh perspective, it can turn a stone into a ladder to heaven.

Now we need a one bedroom apartment for the next sister and her husband, they are in their mid twenties and come Wednesday.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
this is nuts....
This is so wrong...in so many ways...but I still laugh, why is that?
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Becoming home
YooYue's sister's family arrives Thursday night, another group of 5 and her other sister and her husband arrive on the 25th. We found and secured a 2 bedroom duplex right down the street from Moonlight for the next family and hopefully they will get the keys on Saturday! Now we need to find a one bedroom apartment for the last family.
God has been so faithful and has answered all of our prayers for these families, I give God praise for His care.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I've already confessed...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
You gotta serve somebody...and it won't be me.
In a day when it seems music is pudgy with the steroids of ego, it is
refreshing to listen to pure poetry woven into song but not
emasculated by sound. I loved that the band would soften their
instruments when Dylan would play a few notes on his harmonica. The
music was fantastic but not at the expense of the words. Dylan can
weave together words like few others can even dream of doing. His
words move me, a few times I even felt tears form. That is the power
of communication...when words become flesh.
Dylan didn't suffocate his music with himself. He came out, played,
introduced his friends that were making fire with him and left.
At first it all seemed quite detached but I realized it was an
offering from one that had learned to give without expecting much if
anything in return. We had come, that was enough. He played and sang,
that was enough. We want art to be about the person. We want to be
the focus of the performance, show us we are important, sing to us,
play for us, talk to us...and in the end...bow to us. Or...become a
manifestation of all our self seeking idolatry and make the stage
your own altar and force us to worship you....we love it so. It
really is depraved.
Dylan didn't do that...it was as if he was free in a way that seemed
so strange in the face of so many artists that have turned the art
into a anthropocentric experience. At the end the band came to the
center of the stage and just stood there facing the crowd. They
didn't smile, say anything and definitely didn't bow to us and then
they walked off the stage. Of course people stomped their feet,
screamed, clapped and tried with all their might to lure them back to
us...but he didn't come....He left.
He was free to just walk away from the stage...Oh that more people
could come to that place in their craft. I loved it.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Letting loose the Wild Boar!
Since it is October I thought I would focus on the 5 Solas of the reformation at Jacob's Well. Luther (nick named the Wild Boar by his catholic foes) lit the powder keg on the 31st by nailing his 95 thesis to the old church door. For the next 5 weeks we will be digging into the 5 main theological points of the reformation.
This Sunday: Sola Scriptura...let the mayhem begin!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Dylan, Water and rest...
Demon dogs from hell....
Rambo 4
The next chapter finds Rambo recruited by a group of Christian human rights missionaries to protect them against pirates, during a humanitarian aid deliver to the persecuted Karen people of Burma. After some of the missionaries are taken prisoner by sadistic Burmese soldiers, Rambo gets a second impossible job: to assemble a team of mercenaries to rescue the surviving relief workers.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
UFC fix
Gently in Thy fire...
Or if thou didst, it was so long ago
I have forgotten, and never understood,
I humbly think. At best it was crude,
A rough-hewn goodness, that did need this woe,
This sin, these harms of all kinds fierce and rude.
To shape it out, making it live and grow.
But thou art making me, I thank thee, sire.
What thou hast done and doest thou know'st well,
And I will help thee: gently in thy fire
I will lie burning; and thy potter's-wheel
I will whirl patient, though my brain should reel.
Thy grace shall be enough the grief to quell,
And growing strength perfect through weakness dire.
-George macdonald
Dwight's on the phone...
Send someone a telephone message from Dwight at the Office.
Too funny.
Love this style...
This video game has a very cool look to it, I have never seen one like it.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Flower of June God's face shines on you...
But I found out the phrase actually means "Little girl who loves June flower". Jacob's Well is truly a small flower that was planted in June.
We are so thankful to be a part of what God is growing in our community. It has been a difficult yet extremely rewarding adventure.
One of the awesome parts of this journey is reaching new people from in and out of our neighborhood. We are growing and having to adjust all our time tables because of it. So far this month we have moved past 100 people! God is so good.
We are praying that the fragrance of Christ in this little gutter flower will continue to draw those who who are awakening to the kingdom. That the graves of the dead will be opened and that our community will begin to hear the singing of those who have been brought alive by the power of God's mighty voice. That a rushing stream of grace and mercy will continue to spill out of this well and bring to life everything that the river touches. That sweet fruit will grow up among us and the leaves of of this branch of the tree of life will bring healing to the nations.
And most importantly Jesus will delight in this little flower. That she will grow in beauty for the glory of His name. That her unfolding petals will glisten with grace. Though she should be trampled in the dust at times, she will rise again and again to His glory. That she will become the host to a thousand seeds that spread on the four winds of God to other hidden places. That she will be one of many to come that will grow in unlikely and holy places.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Day 9 in America
It has been a lot of work helping a family enter the US and become familiar with all the ins and outs of American life. Government meetings, housing, funding, medical, doctors visits, english lessons around the kitchen table, household lessons about everything from how to use our various bathroom stuff to washing machines, stoves, microwaves, tvs and anything else you wouldn't find in a village in Burma. But dont let that stuff fool you, they are smart tacks for sure. They love to laugh and are quick to learn too.
So much I could share about so many things thats for sure. It has been a stretching experience but a rich one too. Last wed. night it was cool to hear all of them singing hymns with LeeElla in the kitchen. We will have to include some in our sunday service because they know them in english. They love the Lord and Yoo Yue even plays guitar. She picked it up at the church and started singing a song with her kids...it was quite moving to watch.
So ends this leg of the KaRen journey but more is to come. Two of Yoo Yue's sisters are arriving with their families too. The first family of 5 arrives on September 22 and the second, a couple, arrives on the 25th. So it all starts over again...whew! So pray that we all will stay energized, prayerful, rested and healthy to help with the next families. Pray that we can find them housing in our neighborhood too, so that all the families can be close to each other, our church and our home.
God is good.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
This is my body...
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Beer can smashing neanderthals
Sunday, October 01, 2006

This is Linda Po, she came to our house for the weekend to help with translating for the KaRen family. She is KaRen as well, been here for 5 years. She is a student in another town in Wa. She is studying Micro biology and plans to return to her people to help with malaria. She was sweet and a great help and thankfully she is just a call away if we need a little communication help.

One of the amazing things about this experience is seeing my kids become apart too. They have been awesome, especially Austin, he has really been a good friend, host and helper. Haley obviously enjoys the boys.

I am pretty sure this was their first swing set experience by their reaction. The little willies' in their stomach made them giggle and want out fairly quickly. It was funny to watch.
Becoming a prayer for the damned...
If you have never seen a meth addict in the throes of a body contorting high, it's hard to explain the horror. We met Natalie on the sidewalk in front of our church today. She was painfully high if you can call a life crushing, hope stealing, body hammering...a high. She was around 21 but obviously a few feet from eternity on the road she is on.
Her name was Natalie I think, she had bruises on her arms. She wore loose clothing that hung off her contorting skinny body. Meth creates havoc on the central nervous system, you can see it yanking each nerve fiber like a master of puppets it is. Violently racing through their cerebral cortex like a city street in Bombay. Confusing, chaotic and completely out of control.
She wept openly, stumbled over her words as they poured out of her frightened and embarrassed soul. Skittish is putting it mildly. Through a mix of excuses, mumblings about men, prostitution and words that liars say to her...she begged, blubbered and simply manifested the spirit of death before us. She is being consumed like dry paper.
Some offered to pray for her, what else can you do in a moment like that?...she said she had prayed already. I stood there silent, no prayers to pray for her. I could only pray for someone to come help us minister to young women like her. I prayed for a house to care for abused women who are being raped by darkness. I prayed for a church to rise up that can say more than...can we pray for you? I am sick of praying, I want to do something...I want to be the answer to prayers for the damned.
Unfortunately there was about 8 of us around her on the sidewalk, that means there were too many for compassion to fully help. She felt like a caged animal and paced around in circles like a dog who had just been beaten...it wants to be pet but is deathly afraid of the hands that meet out pain and pleasure...it was just too confusing for her to remain there, so she stumbled off in a fit of mixed desires that overwhelmed her all ready fried mind.