I found this comment sharp as a razor, cutting to an issue that I find fascinating...the tightrope of legislating morality. I am seriously concerned about the assault on the democratic process that is taking place in the attempts to yet again overturn the will of the California voters in regards to Prop. 8. But I also reel from the the often one-sided and hypocritical nature of much of the politicization of these moral issues. As the above poster said...how many of these opponents of gay marriage who base their positions on various scriptures; would feel as crusaderish if the issue was "no-fault divorce" laws? A position that could be based on very clear teaching of scriptures too?
Much of these debates are based on faulty logic in my opinion, on both sides too. But I did feel this article below, was one of the best (though a bit old) articles that states a clear, logical reason against State enforced recognition of gay marriage. here is a quote from the article:
"Moreover, it is not correct to argue that government recognition of two-sex marriages is unfair or oppressive. If proponents of same-sex “marriage” ask why the government should be allowed to require people to acknowledge traditional two-sex marriages, the answer is simple: It does not. The institutions of society acknowledge heterosexual marriages on the basis of historical and cultural preferences dating back millennia. The government didn’t decide this; society did. Government recognition of traditional marriage was not a change forced upon society, but rather a legal codification of what society had already established." Read the whole article at Salvomag
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