But if anyone has enough money to live well and sees a brother or sister in need and refuses to help – how can God's love be in that person? -1 John 3:17
We have had a couple from our church serving in some Orphanages in Ethiopia, Africa; as well as adopting a couple teenagers. Since we have been exposed to the needs and situations of children in these circumstances; I felt it would be timely to focus our primary Holiday giving this years as a church, to help in some way. So I thought I would like to see if we can combat the frenetic commercialism by encouraging all of us to come together and offer gifts to raise money to give away to the poorest of the poor.

Knowing that so many children who have no parents and no real chance to experience a season of giving, sharing, memories and joy like we all take for granted' motivated me to stir up the gifts among us...the bakers, craft people, the painters, photographers, wood workers, t-shirt makers, chefs and restaurant owners all pitched in and laid out a spread of holy offerings. In fact we were enjoyed a rotation of 3 amazing acoustic musicians during the main event (Destiny Blauer, Kristen Marlo, Evan Denlinger)We are still selling goods through the weekend but so far God has granted us the privilege of presenting $2,800 to some ministries doing solid work for these precious children. I anticipate being able to share a larger number after our multiple services this Sunday but even now, I'm astounded at God's love being expressed in such practical and sacrificial ways among us. The church gets such a bad rap these days, its awesome to be able to witness Jesus in and among us, doing good work in simple ways.

One of the real fun parts of the evening was a concert after the main event with Raw Nerve, my son's metal band. After the most excellent Mr. Trevor opened up with some urban rythems and rhymes...Raw nerve shredded the room with some sonic screams of ear splitting, head banging, music for a cause...our neighborhood has not idea what is being unleashed upon them.
A huge thank you to all who made this event happen...together, we are all making a difference here and for eternity.
Praise God, Pastor Eric! That is a true answer to prayer, and a testimony to God's grace, power and faithfulness! :)
Thanks for the gifts for the event Mel...and tell your daughter that her picture was a hit with one little girl, that I heard begging her mom to buy it. ;)
Thank you for telling me that... I passed it on to her, and she was blessed. :)
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