I was decorating the church in Holiday style on Saturday and outside the church were these three boys. They were sliding around in the street on a sled and on their chests. Throwing snowballs at cars...basically being boys. The boy on the right kept looking in the window observing me and finally with a frozen face and a really red nose...he peeked in the door and asked if he could help me. I said yes and for most of the rest of the 5 hours he hung out with me. The two other boys were more skittish but they came in and helped me do a few things...if I paid them, gave the doughnuts or candy canes. But this boy just helped for the sake of being helpful.
During one of our moments hanging lights and stuff...one of the boys said he was tired because he got up at 2:30 AM. I asked why and he said: "Because his parents had been fighting". I asked why and he said...he didnt know. Nobody else showed up that day to help out; this is a busy time of year for most people..but God sent me three little men to include in the festivities. I had bought doughnuts for potential helpers and these little guys got the man share of them, to their delight. I found myself grateful that because nobody-else was there to help; these guys probably felt more comfortable joining in. It's moments like these that being present in a neighborhood produce continual opportunity to build on relationships. Capturing moments that you might miss, unless God makes you sensitive to the present. Turning one situation from a disappointment to a work of grace.

Of course later that day when I was by myself, finishing up the Christmas tree that sits by the windows facing the street; I saw the boy on the left across the street. He was on the side walk outside his house when a truck pulled up with a police car right on his tail. The cop jumped out and ordered the men to get out; at the same time telling the kid to get out of there. Then another cop car and another and another; until there was a total of six police cars jammed in the street. Cops were surrounding the truck with guns drawn. Here I was trying to put the star on the top of the tree...and there they were with guns drawn. The issue resolved itself after the men were taken out of the truck, spoken to and then released and everyone left.
I took a picture, because, I thought the irony of the moment was worth remembering and writing about. I was standing there pondering the dichotomy of my day. Kids, conversation, love, sharing, helpfulness, greed, egos, domestic strife, loneliness, work, frustration, questions, grace...guns, police....interesting moments to ponder.
Peace on Earth?...well, Yes and....not yet.
...once again, such textured diversity is found in our beloved East Central neighborhood. Love it! - LeeElla
I LOVE hearing stories like this. I love the way God seized both of your hearts for this area of our beautiful city, which is so desperately in need of light and salt and grace. :) Way to go!!
Man, 'guns and grace', what a moving story. If for no other reason than the pain children suffer in this world of madness, Christ is preached. I think of moments from my past when I was their age, that men have given of their time to me, it struck deep then, and I remember it now. I can't help but be so thankful that God prompted that young boy to stick his nose in the door, because I know you, and I know there was much of God in your time with them. I thank God that he gives us a compassion to care......but it burns to tears.
Love Dad
The reality is, to me its not really that "moving"...I write about it and aim to unpack it, drain it of its juices but afterwards...I am left standing with another whole day of step...by step...moment by moment...activity, inactivity, a rush of grace...a plateau of ambiguity.
Arn't we all just seeking to live this verse out?
"The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, generous inside and out, true from start to finish. -John 1:14
Living into that verse is what these posts seek to reflect. Trying to be "true" and "generous" amidst my own human sinfulness, preoccupation with trivialities and missing most of the true opportunities that lay scattered all around me.
There is so much that goes undone, unprayed, underserved, that these moments pale in comparison to the glory that could have been.
We offer little...in hopes that He can make it much more than it is.
Three wise men.....and many who are blind.
What a good thing.
Those boys will hold that day forever in their hearts.
In spite of the crazy outside world, you let them inside the house of God.
Not the building, but the one in your heart.
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