"President Obama not long ago told the American people that he would support policies to reduce abortions, but today he is effectively guaranteeing more abortions by funding groups that promote abortion as a method of population control," said Douglas Johnson, legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee."
Well now that the good feelings are over...the reality sets in...reducing abortions seems to be a great vote getter but not going to be actual policy. Read the article
Well....his inauguration speech was really great though.
I thought his speech was fantastic...but, he has always been a good talker...now, we are going to see what kind of walker he is as President. His record is liberal...he campaigned moderate on some issues..I didn't vote for him because in the end, I just didn't trust his pro-abortion record. But I hoped he would truly pursue the rhetoric of "reducing abortions" but I wasn't convinced. We will see what shall come.
i was refraining from commenting on your inauguration thread, cuz my mamma always said if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all........
he is showing his true colors now...
more to come......unfortunately..
per instructions in romans 13, praying for the man....
well...after 8 years of hearing everyone Bash Bush and never seem to be able to praise him for anything...I refuse to do the same thing with Obama. I find nothing wrong with tossing out the bad but clinging to the good...be it Republican or Democrat.
not saying we shouldn't have respect for the office of the president, but a lot of people were basically worshipping him on tuesday...
I agree, the Obamanization of popular culture is at Beatlemania level. But...I heard similar things from Bush supporters post 9-11.
People want a savior.
It's written into our spiritual DNA.
It's wrong to allow it to go to idolatry...but I have no problem with looking up to great leaders. To hope for good times, or admire and praise things or people that have accomplished something worthy or respect or recognition.
I think to create or foster a antagonistic, negative, pessimistic, fault finding, overly and dominant sarcastic mindset...leads to increased darkness.
I think a lot of what we are seeing is media induced hyper-emotionalism and hero worship...that will cool down when the realities of the world confront the idealism and inflated messiahship that the culture has anointed Obama with.
It will more than likely be a heavy crown that he will not be able to wear for long....of course the media will continue to create a false sense of reality...and those who say the Emperor has no clothes...will endure the wrath and ridicule of the elite.
That is the same cultural hypnotism that will and always does dupe the masses into anti-christ obedience.
But the majority of this stuff in my opinion is honest weariness with bad news, wars, economic ills, doomsday predictions and the such...
Who doesn't want someone to figure out a way out for all of us as a nation?
I hope for it.
To quote one of your favorite movies, Eric...
"Fine speech.Now what do we do?"
...unfortunately, I am not surprised, but still disappointed. In the end, it has to be God that changes a man's heart, and a nations will and destiny. I pray the Lord's voice can get through the static surrounding this president. Not impossible for God to do, and it's in that I trust, hope and pray.
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