So you see Bush is the Anti-Christ, the Hitler of our era, because that is what we have been constantly told in the alternative media and through the deep teachings of our internet prophets...

History reveals that..."the (anti-christ) concept has evolved bewilderingly throughout biblical history. As definitively explained in Bernard McGinn's Antichrist: 2,000 Years of the Human Fascination With Evil and Robert Fuller's Naming the Antichrist: The History of an American Obsession, the character can be traced to Old Testament authors' horrified response to the oppression of ancient colonizers. When Alexander the Great's conquests led to a statue of Zeus in the Temple in Jerusalem, Jews envisioned a final conflict story wherein the Syrian Greek tyrant Antiochus, reimagined as a beast, got burned in God's "fiery stream" on Judgment Day.
Early Christians grafted the Roman Emperor Nero onto the tradition as the Beast from the Abyss in the Apocalypse, known to current Christians as the book of Revelation, the Bible's astonishing finale about the final days. Nero dressed in animal skins to ravage men's and women's genitals, burned Christians in ghastly dramas, demanded to be worshiped as a god, and was rumored to have disappeared to the East, threatening to return one day to rule the world from Rome, or Jerusalem. Actually, he killed himself, but he lives on in beastly legend. To this day, the word for Antichrist in Armenian is "Nero."
Though the story of the Beast and various other biblical verses are associated with the Antichrist, the word itself, "Antichrist," only appears four times in the Bible, in the letters of John.
Christians have eternally argued about the Antichrist.
Revelation was nearly banned from the Bible, and permitted strictly on condition it should never be used as it is by fundies today.
Church father Augustine ordered Christians to quit reading apocalyptic Left Behind–style scenarios into scripture and think of the Antichrist as anyone who denies Christ—and he said the first place to hunt for him is in your own heart."
But I could be wrong...becasue:
Obama hails from Chicago whose zipcode is: 60606 (do you see the three sixes ?
...(remove tongue from cheek...here.)
PROOF he IS the AntiChrist :)
Look over here! Look over there! Run! Hide!
Whatever you do, do not go outside! Do not show yourself! He will kill you all!
Now, if the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to make people believe he didn't exist, I'd say the next big one would be making people believe he existed everywhere.
Great post! Couldn't have been done better.
Love Dad
i was told years ago it was ronald wilson reagan...
6 letters in each name! :-D
after his first 2 days in office, i thought it might be true...
day 1 free the terrorists...
day 2 kill the babies...
i did like what he had to say about the environment and the auto industry today....
not the antichrist...
but an antichrist for what he did in day 2......
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