I met a young man this week who was grieving the loss of his first child. His wife had a miscarriage of a 12 week old baby. He shared with my, with tears in his broken eyes...that he had held the little baby in his hands. I couldn't imagine holding a child in my hands like that. It was so heartbreaking to hear him share his pain. My prayers go out to him and his wife. I ran across this article today and it made me think of them.
These artists are a perfect example of those who have touched the heart of God with their talents. "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" is a organization that has blended the art of photography into a healing tool for grieving parents who have lost a child. You can read the Newsweek article here.
Another ministry that reaches out to parents who have lost little babies is "Heavenly Angels in Need". Mary who is a relative of mine, runs this ministry of love and grace. She has a huge heart and a strong passion to spread God's love to those who have experienced such a tragedy. She has round up an army of knitters and seamstresses and craftsmen who make clothes, burial items and little caskets for babies that have died. They also support various projects with their beautiful hand made items; our refugees are blessed to be wearing and using their scarves, hats and blankets. Good work, good people and worthy of your support.
Artists are the healers of the world...the earth is more beautiful because they have lived.
I've met of the photographers for "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" through a forum I'm part of. He said it was difficult but rewarding work.
Some of those pictures are hard to look at when you know why they were taken in the first place.
If ever there was a reason to hope for the soon return of Christ, that's it.
I have been reading through your blog, I can tell its been awhile yet again. Darn life keeps getting busy!! Now I need to go comment on a few of the posts..lol I am way behind!
HAIN actually has been through several of the conferences for NILMDTS. I am getting ready to go meet one of the Co-Founders in Portland where she is having another similar and I have met the other co-founder over the phone and am also a member of NILMDTS I just purchased (with my taxes) a professional camera and hope to be there such as them for the families.
If you go to our site and click on the media button on our public part of our forum you will see a neat article where HAIN is mentioned in a NILMDTS article in a newspaper. Also if you go to NILMDTS site and click on the what we do or offer picture and read the stories many of the pics with the babies that have sewn, knitted and crochet items came from HAIN :) We actually work along side NILMDTS and help in anyway possible. Also on Facebook Cheryl Haggard and Sandy Puc are on there on my friends list. Invite them to be friends. They are beautiful woman with a heart of Gold! I think Eric you will love them. A very powerful ministry!
Matter of fact one of the photographers is working on retouching pictures of my angel Mariah Belle and is working on making me a slideshow for HAIN. I will let you know when its done.
If you feel your friend would like to have a memory box please let us know Eric we would be most honored!
Now I need to get onto finishing reading your awesome posts, SO I can reply
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