I preached a message Sunday, that in my mind, was one of the most critical and important messages I have ever preached. There are moments in ones ministry life in the word; that you simply cannot explain the glory of the passage. You search for words that will hopefully unveil the pulsating light, life and revelation that lie within the scriptures but it seems like a frail attempt at communicating the reality. I found my self exhausted with the delivery, like something was struggling to be born. I wrestled with igniting words that would illuminate the Sun...a futile endeavor if you think about it. There were moments through the two times I preached this message that I know the only real witness to the glory of the subject would have been to awaken a corpse or drive out a devil in the room. The grandeur of the mystery of Christ begs for more than mere syllables stitched together...oh, the poverty of mere words in comparison to the One we try to proclaim. It's in moments after such attempts at madness that you understand the words of Paul, when he said God has chosen to hide Himself in the foolishness of preaching. I too, stand amazed at the humility and madness of that truth.
Let others wrangle, I will wonder -Augustine
Here are the notes from the slides, if anyone is interested in the subject matter.
(Picture: Carl Bloch)
1 comment:
I pray that God will allow the seeds of truth from this message to seek deep into the hearts of all who heard it, and all who read it, and all who hear of it, to bear eternal fruit for our joy and His glory.
Everything happens for a reason, and God's timing is perfect. I just got a call from one of my best friends in the whole world. I’ve always thought that Jacob’s Well would be a perfect match for her spiritual chemistry, and I’ve been telling her about it for years.
All these years of talking to her about it, and--Lo and behold!--yesterday she was able to go, at long last. She went with a friend from her work, and they were both deeply touched and blessed by your message.
Praise God!!
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