I've been wrestling in my spirit with a sound, a haunting, distant murmur that stands behind most of the daily noise. It's been growing louder in the subterranean places of my inner life...down where spirt and mind, heart and conscience seem to poke at each other. Like tv static...I can't shake it, even when I change the channel. It's been gnawing on my American consumeristic tendencies like a dog hungrily chews a gristly bone. I've been dodging names, places, stories, new articles, situations, tragedies and people who might call me...brother. At the same time I've been staring like a passerby, at a bloody accident. I'm curious, even sad or shocked but in a way that only lasts until the light turns green. It has been to easy to move on.
I am getting cornered by Justice....and she won't let me excuse myself, justify myself, convince myself of my innocence any longer.

I'm feeling the weight of this verse and it's feeling like I am kicking against the goads...my lifestyle, my goods, my shopping, my stuff...the tags on my clothes and the imprinted "Made in...." stand in judgment against me. I'm burning in the rust of my things...and it's not going away.
As a believer, as an American...as a pastor...there has to be a greater response than tears.
Puddle of blood pic by Edward Sudentas'
Child pic by Kevin Carter
Pastor Eric, it sounds like you're being "ruined for the ordinary." (Kay Warren) The second picture is gut-wrenching and eye opening. May God forgive us and have mercy on us, and open our eyes to see what we can do for this hurting world right now, wherever we are, with whatever He's placed in our hands already.
Wow. It is overwhelming isn't it? the opportunity we have. Even as we have sold everything, or at least tried to, to run after Jesus, the riches and abundance we experience in this "simple life" is still sickening when I look at this picture and talk with the homeless that we go to. Like "mel" said, we are being ruined for the ordinary. It encourages me to know others that are putting action to the conviction and passion that God is placing in their hearts. We continue to pray for you and your family and Jacob's Well. Stay true to the simple Gospel!!!
Oh and to add another quote that is stuck in my spiritual gut like a chicken bone gobbled hastily...
“Americans spend more annually on trash bags than nearly half the world does on all goods.”
wow....once again, you put into words an unidentifiable shadow that I have had on my daily activities. I am busy....but why? I am happy.....but what for? I am driven.....but to what? It seems that the faster I go and the more I reach for...whatever, I feel my daddy standing over me and saying "o.k., now what can we do with the (insert item) that you have attained in order to make your community walk more closely to me?".
All I can say is Listen to it! Ask God to show you and listen to what He is wanting you to hear. Eric from what I have read from your blog and your hearts desire is to feed and clothe the poor. Give this hearts desire to God, He will make a way, He will bring them to you, but we must go to them as well. Let God be your guide in this, reach out your hand and say ok God use me. He gave you this desire, this burn this reality for a reason.
Did you get my email about HAIN putting your church on our spreadsheet so we can send your church donations of clothing etc.. to help. Might have to email your address and such to info@heavenlyangelsinneed.com
This was a beautiful post!
It's easy to look at one statistic and be shocked, but you can be just as shocked when looking at positive statistics. The Nothing but Net charity provides nets for children in Africa to protect them from the spreading of Malaria.
One donor offered enough money to give a net to every child in Ethiopia. That can make you weep just as much as that awful picture in your blog. Do not despair on the failures of mankind, but have hope in the successes.
Justin we are suppose to look at success but not forget the need. Problem is many times people see only the success and many times forget the need. Does that makes since? We have to continue to see the need to remember the need, to give to the need. I make myself go and look at the video's on frontfilm.com so I won't forget the need, I make myself go watch video's from nowilaymedowntosleep.org so I don't forget the need is there. Yes we successfully give much as a country but we have to focus on the needs still to keep it fresh in our minds and hearts so not to FORGET!
“Americans spend more annually on trash bags than nearly half the world does on all goods.”
That just made me sick.
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