I finished teaching through the book of Colossians Sunday and now I am working on trying to put together a series of messages that will bring some Biblical clarity for belief and practice in regards to Pneumatology. A theological term regarding the study of the Holy Spirit, His person, works, relation to the Father and Son, relation to man, ministry in salvation and sanctification, conviction, and indwelling.
We might go through the Corinthian letters or just focus on some key issues, I am not sure yet. I long to celebrate and navigate the Bibles position and our churches practice in relationship to the gifts and ministry of the Holy Spirit. I believe the Bible teaches these are subjects that are vital for healthy Christian lives and churches but require a commitment to hear and obey the Word. We can't be led by the current fades, shenanigans and fascinations of the next big wave that barrels down the well worn revival pike. With the recent Lakeland Fl revival and Todd Bentley stuff, it's easy to want to steer clear of any association with Charismatic beliefs. But I believe that would be a tactic of the enemy. The abuses and misuses of others shouldn't cause us to abandon truth but dig deeper into it; to find what the scriptures truly say about the subjects and how the Word of God would teach us to live in light of that revealed truth. We are not to be driven by fear but wisdom.
1 comment:
"Spiritual lust", this is the intoxicant of much of the "Spirit filled" church today. It has been in my estimation the most shaming of behaviors to the cause of Christ. I am more content to attend a non-charasmatic church than to subject myself to the influence of this false teaching. I consider myself charasmatic to the core but I am repelled by much of what is paraded under that banner. My suggestion for Christians under three years old in the faith,is, keep thy lips shut and work in a field of simple service to those in need until wisdom begins its work. Your zeal will accomplish something practical and you will become equipped to speak when this apprenticeship is completed. Just one man's opinion.
Love Dad.
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