In fact nothing we can manufacture, conjure, pray for, attempt to emote, punish ourselves with or resolve to restitute, will ever come close to adding to or taking away from a bloody roman cross.
It is God's work...not ours.
To attempt to add anything but faith...opens Pandora's box.
Repentance in whatever form is the gift of God....as is freedom from the gnawing terror of a life wasted, spoiled, dragged through the muck and mire.
You are blessed if you can once again sleep in peace from a ravaged conscience.
In fact peace is the gift of grace...the evidence that repentance has moved through the heart and mind.
The closer you get to the Sun the more blind you get.
Grace erases more than it reminds...because in the end...you are still thinking about...you.
It's His blood that washes us white as snow....
*pic by Pixini Stock
Good Post!!!!!
Yes, amazingly beautiful post! :) I love it!
I have a question for you... I've been reading through the Gospel of John in "The Message Bible." (Incidentally, when I read John 4, I was thinking about Jacob's Well the whole time.) When I came to the part about the adulterous woman, a question came to mind that has been in my heart for many years... When Jesus said, "Go and sin no more," what was He REALLY saying? Obviously, we all sin. I'm sure she sinned again sometime in her life. And people who honestly think they don't sin might have a tiny bit of a pride issue going on... So what was he really saying? Any thoughts?
Bless you. Thank you for encouraging us all to think. What a gift! :)
I think He was really saying...just what He said...Stop shacking up with men who are not your husband. Stop it...just stop it. Simple, straight forward and in the context of the verses, I would say it is THE application for His command.
As for not sinning at all...that would contradict other scriptures. Scriptural continuity...is a rule of interpreting a verse...thats one we use to steer us towards clarity when faced with scriptural confusion or seeming contradiction...."what does the scripture say clearly other places?
That is the obvious answer, isn't it? There is a deceitful, treacherous part of my heart that is always seeking to find evidence in scripture that our salvation depends on what we do, and to bind my mind again in chains of legalism. I really would love to know what He would have said and done if she had been brought before Him again after having been caught in the act a again. But I think I know what He would have done.
"The closer you get to the Sun the more blind you get."
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