But, I must protest.
So far in many of the emails, links and posts that I receive and have read (I take the time to seriously read them), I have been told that if one votes for Obama:
-You are a baby killer
-You are morally responsible for the choices of free men and women
-You are like a person drowning kids in a lake
-You're as bad a Nazi sympathizer
-You're not obeying God
-You're not voting for God's chosen man
-You're guilty of any destruction that comes on America by not voting for a War man.
-You're deceived
-You're not heeding the "revelations" of the modern God(?) appointed seers and prophets
-You're in league with the God hating nations
Ok, now, that's a load of heavy handed Christian intimidation. No freedom to vote here...that's about as on the point of a religious sword as one can be with out it being on his neck!
Vote of else...
I understand that the end of the world is at hand and it rests on my small shoulders. I get, that a bloodbath is coming, millions of innocents blood is on my hands as I scribble a little black dot on a piece of paper. I feel the burning, penetrating stare of every wide eyed, sweaty browed, vein popping prophet with cheap Sunday morning coffee breath...gripping my shoulders and watching as I with trembling hands try to vote. The economy is crashing....the environment is about to burn up or melt off...my grandkids are going to be paupers in a modern Dickens story...my daughters will end up a whores, lesbians and using bathrooms with sexual predators, my sons will become black toothed, cancer ridden Canadian like sickies. I hear that God has got His hammer about to fall and it's first stop is my voting booth, depending on which fallen man I might chose to lead a passing away babylonian kingdom. I know I will bear the outrage, the disdain, the ridicule, the hate of my most loving brothers and sisters in Christ....that people will leave the church I pastor because I am in league with Satan.
So...no pressure.
But since I have attempted to honestly share my unfolding political path, fully knowing that I will be skewered, tarred and feathered for doing so...still isn't it fair to say that God hasn't always put the "good guys" in power?
With my great power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please. Now I will hand all your countries over to my servant Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; I will make even the wild animals subject to him. All nations will serve him and his son and his grandson until the time for his land comes; then many nations and great kings will subjugate him. If, however, any nation or kingdom will not serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon or bow its neck under his yoke, I will punish that nation with the sword, famine and plague, declares the Lord, until I destroy it by his hand. So do not listen to your prophets, your diviners, your interpreters of dreams, your mediums or your sorcerers who tell you, 'You will not serve the king of Babylon.' They prophesy lies to you that will only serve to remove you far from your lands; I will banish you and you will perish. But if any nation will bow its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serve him, I will let that nation remain in its own land to till it and to live there, declares the Lord. I gave the same message to Zedekiah king of Judah. I said, Bow your neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon; serve him and his people, and you will live.-Jeremiah 27:7-12
What if this is God's outworking of His own plan of Judgement and if you don't vote for Obama, you are the one fighting against the plan of God? What if your prophets are the ones who are prophesying falsely? What if all the prophets of the 90's who have been saying for years, if you read their now 50% off book bin books...that God is going to judge America not make it better for her?
Maybe Mcain supporters are resisting the plans of God?
Now as some who hasn't voted...yet. How am I supposed to weigh all these modern prophets words..when each new book, or every four years the messages seem to be different? One moment God is happy, the next He is mad...God appears to be suffering from doublemindedness.
And as far as blood on someones hands due to the choices of someone else or your vote...do Bush voter's hands have the blood of over 1, 273,378 Iraq dead on them? Will God hold them accountable for thier deaths because they voted for Bush...twice!
Where does the search for blood end?
Am I guilty before God because I pay taxes and other men and women choose to use those taxes for purposes that are ungodly, unjust and possibly immoral? Should we stop paying taxes because of the moral liability before God?
And as for the issue of the poor...though that is not the only reason I have battled with my choice, but since it has been pointed out:
Here is God's word to those Sodomites that will surley be taking over, because of me...notice, nothing is mentioned clearly about their vile deeds of sex....but, something else is mentioned:
Ezekiel 16:49-50:
‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.
And Isaiah 1:10-17 speak to Sodom and Gomorrah says:
Your hands are full of blood, wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight!
Stop doing wrong, learn to do right, Seek justice, encourage the oppressed.
Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow.
So I guess me and God care about some stuff that matters.
In the end, I want what you want...but...I think that RoeVWade wont be overturned by either men.
I know that John Mcain voted for two of the liberal Justices already...so I guess he "might" do that again?
I know that people are free to choose God's ways or not and I will stand before Him for my choices not others.
I know that if RvW was overturned...it would just go back to the states and abortions would continue.
I know that pro-life Americans are not adopting all the children that are here RIGHT NOW and need homes...so what is going to happen to all the children's if Abortion was illegal...you think us sodomite like self absorbed Americans are going to adopt them...I doubt it.
If you are not working for life now...your votes are possibly slightly hypocritical?
If you don't have a child that isn't your own...your stance might possibly be hypocritical.
if you support killing in any fashion...your vote might possibly be hypocritical.
If you dont care about people dying somewhere else on the planet because you cant "see" them...your vote might possibly be hypocritical.
Arn't those fair observations?
Now hopefully I have shared this calmly, with no venom, but from a sincere place of seeking truth among all the God bullying going on.
I only posted with my heart, I am sorry you took what I said wrong, because I never meant any harm. I will not post any further, as obviously what I say isn't taken what it was meant too.
Sorry I really am Eric.
Hi Eric,
This is your Dad speaking -- what a thoughtful, honest post. I have voted in many elections and I have never found one to be as difficult as this one. I will also say that the posts you have put up in an effort to truly inform, not just further agenda or bias, have been very informative, I've learned a lot from them, they have made me look far deeper into issues that I thought were without doubt. I will say I cringed when you dared to write or link to things that weren't 'far right', but good for you, I support it whole heartedly.
We need to be informed, not ignorant. I know how one-sided Christians can be, and I for one appreciate how you have presented a wide variety of important issues to consider. If seeking truth or knowledge is harmful, what do we really believe?
Love Dad
No, no, no...thats not what I want...I tried very much to present the "push back" in a way that was polite but pointed, simply because the issues that have been discussed to me, not just by you, have been framed in a way that provide no room for difference.
I have tried to remain as neutral as possible in the face of much pressure to vote the way others feel compelled too.
I value your insight and have read the posts you sent and honestly took your deep concern and passion seriously...but I really have not felt that my thoughts are ever really talked about...so i laid them out even more clearly and pointedly.
For more dialogue...I want answers to these points, answers that satisfy my questions. Which granted, might not happen...but I am open to be convinced not criticized.
I feel the Reb...postiion could be critized too, and I shared a little of the thinking I have to show that, but I have yet been convinced..convincingly.
Now Randy's blog post...was about as straight forward a position on the issue as I have read. But it didnt answer many of my questions.
So dont get offended, becasue I dissagreed or put out there some more chalelnging issues for me...
wrestle as I do...I know you voted or are going to vote for Mcain...good for you, I am happy that you are confident and clear in your choice.
Now dont fall into the catagory of people I mentioned that would jetison me, if I dissagree.
I love what you bring to all of this...I hope you can love me for what I bring, and not just pity me. ;)
As I sit here and read I realize that really Eric know one can really answer the questions you have correctly. These are questions you must answer with in yourself.
War: you see war as bad, I am sure that is influenced by where your brother is and what he see's. Do you remember what I said about there is good wars and bad wars? Well obviously where your brother is, is bad dictatorship (bad war on its own people)
I had family several times serve in Iraq and the things you here on CNN, CBS,ABC AND NBC is not what is going on over there. Tim a cousin of mine Carrie her husband said children were literally dancing in the streets, soldiers were looked at like hero's and praised for bringing freedom to them. Schools are being opened, and more.
What if WW2 wouldn't have happened, how many Jewish, Russian, or people with a disability would be here? OK what about the war for the freedom of slavery? These wars were necessary. Blood was shed for the sake of freedom. Yes anyone who knows about war realizes that sometimes civilians will be hurt or even killed. Even biblically God led wars and in the end (Revelations) there will be a war led by God. I understand many people believe we should not have went into Iraq in the first place, maybe or maybe not, people felt the same way about WW2 and because we didn't listen and we invaded anyway many lives were spared because of it, yes many civilians died and many soldiers died. That was part of the sacrifice for the freedom of the people suffering from Hitler. This war isn't popular I understand that, but if you listen to Obama does he not say he would get us out of Iraq sure AND then he said he would move our soldiers to Afghanistan and Packston? (spelling) I watch the news daily and watch all of his speeches. I have listened to both sides, both sides say many, many things they will soon find out they cannot possibly accomplish all they are promising.
When Bush stated after 9/11 that he will go after all terrorist and those who harbor terrorists then he made a choice to go after a dictator who was a terrorist to his own people, and also the terrorist in Iraq who lives there and were training there. We also went into afghanistan to find Bin Laden, AND I am pretty sure the technology is pretty good enough to see the weapons, that were moved when we gave them time to give up. Russia and France was Iraq's biggest Ali. And France admitted helpping Suddom.
Mu husband served in Desert Storm, a war we left to early in, and millions of people were killed by this dictator because we left to soon. Do you now that in a split second they would kill us if they could? Do we forget as a nation that these people hate you and will kill you in a heartbeat? By us leaving Iraq it WILL surely be a sacrifice of millions of lives, you can bet on that.
I personally met a lady from an eastern country, she said to us "they will kill you and they are being raised up to kill Americans, they hate you". I understand they hate us, I understand we have much wealth, I understand there are people here in America that gloat. I also understand God has blessed us as a nation because we support Israel. We also have allot more at stake because we are a blessed nation, this means we are suppose to give more and help the hungry more across the world, and though we can do more, we do help many countries more then many other countries does. Not as much as we should be both agree here.
But just as mother Theresa did, she reached out to people around her, one person at a time. She didn't ask for government to help her, she got down to the nitty gritty and she picked up the people, hugged them, fed them, loved them, prayed with them. Just like God says we are to do. Mother Theresa was a woman sent by God for sure. And you can be too Eric. By reaching where you are and doing what you can to help the people around you. God has led them to you to help, don't wait for government to do it.
Hunger: Most of the above also applies to this. Hunger will always exist as long as there is man. That is just how it is, no matter how many mouths you feed there will always be more mouths to feed, so what can we do about it? Start feeding. Do you eat more then you should? Well eat less and buy groceries for a hurting family. Stock your church up with groceries to give. Have food drives. Can we help other countries, well this is all in your income level, or if you are supporting a legit overseas ministry if your helping or not. I know that it starts at home.
There are allot of very self serving American's but I also know there are allot of wonderful America's who do sacrifice. I see it in our charity in some of our members. The most giving people are people who are probably more poor then the people they may be serving.
I know I haven't even begun to touch the subject or haven't went into great detail. But I do know one thing , the choice has got to be your own choice. No one can make it for you.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm ready for this election to be done and over. Too many hot opinions and feelings stretching friends and family to unhealthy lengths. Time to adjust and move on, already...
My lovely wife's comment aside... :)
I appreciate your response Mary and the problem I see in it, resided in the lack of consistency in your position regarding the role of Government vs personal responsibility.
I fI was to take tha line of thought to its extended end, wouldnt that support my position: that I am responsable before God for my choices.
So if we want Government out of helping people and that becomes our role. Wouldnt that extened to the role of individauls promtoing, minsitering and educating about Life and abortion too.
Why do you want the Government to help you in that role. Why is it ok to pick and choose which issue you want the Government to help with? it seems you want to have it both ways?
I am grateful for the Government and for taxes. My family has had all my kids born and cared for to some degree via State or National programs at various times of our lives. From food stamps, to medical care or coverage, financing our first home, to lunch programs, to rebates or Earned Income Tax credits...all these things have been an extremely needed help at different times. I dont understand the idea that tries to demonize Government?
Are there problems when men get their hands on things...yes, but thats why we have different branches of Government to help facilitate balance. I plan on voting a divided ticket...to hope to ensure that congress and the presidency are not the same political party. I think a majority will be unhealthy...I want debate, tension and accountability.
I appreciate your thoughts on war and hunger...but telling me that war is good sometimes and that we will always have hunger...isn't enough for me.
When I sit and pray and ask the Lord to help me follow in His footsteps as a disciple, with His word in my hands...I never come to the conclusion that I should kill, starve or perpetuate those realities as an individual.
I have to follow Jesus, walk as He walked, deal with people as He did. Say the same things He said. Do the same things He did, within my God empowered ability. I want my "way" to resemble is "way".
When I look at what is offered me by both parties, I am often left realizing that if I follow either of their "ways" I end up not looking, sounding or acting like jesus.
I understand that OT God and Revelation God contain some massive slaughtering going on. But that isn't the compass of my daily life choices. David, Joshua, Moses, Solomon or strange images and prophecies in misunderstood vision book can't be my example. I must choose Jesus as the best representation of the heart of God and how He desires me to live, right here, right now. I am responsabile for living in this "age, era, dispensation, whatever you choose to call it.
I am wrestling with being obedient to the way of Jesus like Daniel wrestled with being faithful in Babylon.
It's not an easy endeavor for sure.
I never said the all government is bad, I never tried to bash all the government programs, however there has to be a balance.
Also it does offend me when you say you have to walk the way Jesus does, thus making it appear like you are saying I do not?
I also feel like Jesus was more then just a peace loving man. I feel that Jesus was more then just that, he did speak of truth and love and peace but he also went among the people and served them. That is all I am saying., I didn't say government didn't have its place, I was simply stating governement shouldn't have to do it all for us, is all.
I have also been on governement programs, food stamps, and welfare. I know those programs are good for families who need them, but they also need to have programs that help get families to get dependent and work to get off of it. Anyway I know what I say is not really going to make a darn bit of deference to you, I can tell. But I was only replying back to a comment.
Good luck!
Thanks for clarifying, the Gov thing...I guess my thought would be where did I ever express that I think Gov should be everything for everyone...do you think I think that because of potentially voting for a Democrat?
As for the "walking with Jesus" comments...those are not aimed at you at all...those are my honest heart felt comments that stem right our of my own prayers and tears over this political choice.
Mary please dont take any of these political dialogue and policy reasonings personal...I dig you girl! :) We'z friends
I've never called you deceived... ;)
Obama, 100% life-time rating from Planned Parenthood. He's voted 100% of the time (when he actually has the courage to cast a vote) in favor of abortion rights. That mentality is not what I'm looking for as the person to lead our nation.
You are certainly free to vote for whoever you like, but it ain't rocket science this time around in my opinion.
So, that's the only issue that matters? Don't get me wrong, abortion is a horrible, horrible practice that I would like to see stopped immediately. But do you believe abortions were invented in 1973? Does anyone believe that if it were overturned, abortions would magically go away? Does anyone believe it is better to not have an institution set up where parents cannot force their daughters into some makeshift clinic to have a baby aborted with a clothes hanger?
Again, and let me make this perfectly clear, I am against abortion.
Adoption is a an alternative...if you can convince a scared girl to carry the baby to term, and if you don't mind sitting by and watching that child go through the foster care system where they will likely "age out" and be left with few options. Because they didn't get a good education. Because they were constantly moving. Because nobody adopted them. They'll likely never see their biological parents again, and will forever live with the idea that nobody loves them, possibly turning to drugs, the porn industry...or just killing themselves. But, boy, it's a good thing they got the chance to make it that far. Good for us, Republicans!
Again, and let me make this clear, I am completely against abortion.
I'm just trying to drive the point home. No, I don't want someone who wants to kill babies in the White House. I also don't want someone who will send my brother back to Iraq so that they can run their Beemer on less than $3.00 a gallon. I want Jesus to come back. Until that happens though, this mess is all just a crap shoot. Either the "right" guy gets in, or the "wrong" guy gets in. With both of those scenarios, somebody gets screwed.
I don't have stars in my eyes when I look at either candidate. I flipped a coin when I voted. Eventually, I just started picking the names that I liked the sound of the best.
Well, now I've probably gone and started a whole new rats nest. Cheers Eric!
And Todd, I'm not against you man. You, also, are free to vote in whichever manner and for whatever reason you choose. In four or so years when we're both tied to stakes and set ablaze for our faith in the Gospel, we'll look back on this and laugh.
I must admit I have never struggled as much with regard to obvious choices, simply because I used to believe that the fundamental Christian community really did have a handle on God's heart beat.
What I have learned in recent years more than ever before, is that "Christians" spend too much time avoiding accountability for their opinions by simply repeating someone else's.
Am I steroetyping? Maybe - however I still have to believe that if we are saved, if we have accepted Christ as our saviour, then we have his heart and mind. At the root of political evil, in my humble opinion, is a lack of knowledge on key points and issues, and more than that a lack of desire to study and learn because it is easier to accept the fact that somewhere along the way God became a Republican.
I personally have never aligned myself with one party over the other. Parties exist so that people with like ideals can band together. In our current system, you are given two options:
1..Conservativism / Republican which is about being left alone. Leave me alone and don’t tax me. It says that we can all do much better on our own. In America, it is now mixed with capitalism. To me, Conservatism is individualism…looking out for numero uno.
2..Liberalism / Democrat which means that we look out for each other. We are all equal, so therefore, we should all have the same opportunities. In America, that boils down to more taxes, more government, and more programs that are intended to aid those who couldn’t just do it for themselves.
Christ was quite clear that our lives should not be about us, but about our neighbors. We are not to store up treasures here but in heaven. In that regard, I would submit that the american dream is not God's dream.
So for all of those staunch, hard, fast Republicans who think that abortion and homosexuality are the only things that matter, let me ask you why if you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're exotic and different but if you grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, you represent the perfect American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim, but Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick on track with God.
If you graduate from Harvard Law you are unstable, but if you attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian, but If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.
If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, for the sake of protecting children from sexual predators, you are eroding the fiber of society, but if, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other education in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant, you're very responsible.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's. But If your husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience, however if your total resume consists of local sports reporter, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.
The latter comparison is paraphrased from an email.
I don't know that I will be at the stake in four years, more likely I will be at the guillotine looking up from the bucket my head fell in, although after this comment one might believe I will assume my position next to the antichrist...
The head can stay conscious for up to 30 seconds, even up to a minute, after decapitation. Just FYI.
there are a whole lot of other reasons other than his views on abortion to not vote for obama...
the man is a socialist..
nowhere does the Bible say it is the government's job to take care of the poor...
it DOES say it is the church's job!
yes, God did use Nebuchadnezzer...
but i would say with almost certainty that daniel and his 3 friends would not have voted for him if they had a system like we do....
In Deuteronomy 16:18-20, Moses tells all the people of the Nation of Israel, “Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly. Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous. Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
Biblical justice includes and highlights care for the poor.
ok, but not socialism....
you maybe see some of that in the book of acts, but totally voluntary...
Also, in Jeremiah 29:7
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile and pray to the Lord on its behalf for in its welfare you will have welfare."
That was written to God's folks living in Babylon. My point in the Neb connection is that in the story there were prophets who couldn't accept what Jeremiah and Daniel and Isaiah were saying and doing...in their mind, God would never use such a person or kingdom in fact read Habakkuk and see his own wrestlings with Gods ways with Babylon.
I am not saying vote for the dogs, vote for who you think would be the best leader for the Country. But when someone says or implies that God would never...choose this man or that. I have to respond that scripture doesn't support that view.
I'm not saying socialism is right but...there are kingdom values that cross various principles of economics...individual freedom is true but for love not self. Understanding the ways of the kingdom and the directives of Jesus in regards to living out those kingdom principles produces various instances that could fall under a lot of different economic philosophies.
For this is not for the ease of others and for your affliction, but by way of equality--at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality; as it is written, "HE WHO gathered MUCH DID NOT HAVE TOO MUCH, AND HE WHO gathered LITTLE HAD NO LACK." -2 Cor 8:13-15
certainly those who have should give toward those who do not..
but it should be out of love...not some government program!
give unto caeser what is caeser's, but unto God what is Gods.....
I hear ya...
So how much does God get and how much does Caesar get...?
It's debated but man scholars say that God's law required around 30% for tithes and harvesting laws meant your fields were open for gleaning too...so how would we translate that to today's business world?
Should we give God his percentage and access to our business proftis and then on top of that give Caesar his part too?
I wonder how much would be left after God and Caesar?
Studies also indicate that roughly 75 percent of money is given by 25 percent of the people, and that giving levels vary greatly from denomination to denomination.
According to researchers Dean Hoge, Patrick McNamara, Charles Zech and Michael Donahue:
Conservative Protestants give more than 3 percent of household income on average; black Protestants, 2.5 percent; mainline Protestants, 2 percent; Catholics, less than 1.5 percent; and other denominations, less than 1 percent.
About 30-45 percent of Mormons tithe 10 percent
Assemblies of God exceeds 5 percent.
Adventists give more than 4 percent of their income.
So in the end...I guess when it comes to money and giving to the poor...Churches arn't doing too much of anything.
So where does that leave the poor if the church wont do much and we vote our the politicians who want to involve government?
it should leave the church in a position to want to train the poor to get a good job...
that would be a good way to evangelize!
equip someone to get a good job and it might kinda break the ice to tell them about Christ...
give a man a fish (a handout....socialism) and you feed him for one meal..
teach him to fish and you feed him for a lifetime...
when you add to that the fact that obama and most democrats wants to "help" the poor by allowing them to kill their unborn babies if they can't afford them, you have a really ungodly system...
one that i for one feel i would have to answer to God for if i voted in favor of it...
God is planning on judging all governments on what they have done to care for the poor and marginilized.
Psalm 9 -
7 The LORD reigns forever;
he has established his throne for judgment. He will judge the world in righteousness; he will govern the peoples with justice. The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.
God will use righteousness and justice to judge the controlling governments of the world.
Daniel 4 -
27 So, O king, please accept my advice. Stop sinning and do what is right. Stop doing wicked things and be kind to the poor. Then you might continue to be successful."
In Romans Paul states ALL governments are “established by God,” and are accountable to him to do good and to punish wrong.
Standing by and doing nothing when there are poor suffering is wrong. The rich are strongly warned of punishment for it.
I believe God sees ignoring the poor as evil and world governments will be held accountable for ensuring the needs of the poor are met.
I am left a bit unsettled that MIKE repetedly claimed "I hate abortions" yet insinuated that it would be better for a person who is going to go through the foster care system and have no one to love them.....well insinuated that it would be better if they weren't born.
You don't line up.
Sider house rules.....OH YOU WOULD LOVE THAT MOVIE. It has an agenda...and from the way you talk you would likely support it...unless of course you did not mean that?
Which side of the tracks are you really on?
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