Whatever political party you choose, as a Christian, you have to hold the above verse in tension with your political hopes, dreams, aspirations and expectations. Keeping prophetic clarity on the truth behind the realities we engage in, is a gift given to us through the prophetic scriptures. God so graciously and frighteningly pulls back the veils of this world and lets us see into the cosmos and the unfolding judgment that is piling up (Rev 18:5).
We are all required to be born again and wake up out of our own private Matrix.
Nations, Kings and Merchants...the commodities of this present world system are all drunk to some degree on the wine of worldly ambitions, sensuality, pride and demonic preoccupations. As negative and hopeless as that might appear, the truth is liberating, if seen from a Dawning Kingdom perspective. My hope isn't in a human king, kingdom or Economy...its in the ruling Kingship of King Jesus. I am presently living within, and expecting the continual coming of that king and His kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. I am living and looking for the Kingdom that is coming down to earth...I'm not looking to go somewhere else...I'm waiting for Him to return.
So as I live out my Kingdom citizenship among the kings and Nations of this world which are "passing away" (1 Cor. 2:6)...I vote with clarity that there are forces at work in "Babylon" that are unclean, drunk, inhabited, hateful, materialistic. It procreates a imprisoned life that is hopelessly cyclical in it's inability to really offer much more than a dim reflection of light, compared to the Sun that is dawning (Luke 1:78).
All the modern attempts to apply Biblical leadership scriptures to the political process, is in my view, a misapplication of Kingdom of God realities to Babylon. It's dressing up a whore in the Brides gown...and that is blasphemous at worst, and biblically ignorant at best.
Babylon is full of blood (Rev 17:6) and the evidence is all around us:
In the innocent casualties of international conflicts...

In sickness, disease and starvation...

In the threat of complete and utter annihilation...

In the perpetuation of bigotry, radical extremism and religious hate...

In the end, whatever King, we vote in, whatever policies they may vote in, repeal or embolden...it's a outworking of a far greater wickedness than just one of those unclean birds, that gnaw on all that is good, righteous and holy. There is a "Mother" of these evil and unclean carrion...she has many offspring...including:

I prayerfully wrestle with voting for a candidate...I do so with no stars in my eyes, or fear in my heart...I don't vote for a savior or a warrior. I'm not looking to the arm of man or the buck of the banker but to the Sovereign Hand of God to outwork His plans in and through the Kingdoms and Kings of this world. Sometimes He chooses Righteous Davids...and sometimes unrighteous Nebachudnezzars.
In the end...the spiritual truth is...
"the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world!
(Galatians 6:14)
I'm a dead man voting.
The irony of that doesn't escape me.
This is a post that every professing Christian needs to read.
If they had this Christ centered, scripture based, understanding it would ease their unwarranted anxiety; calm their sense of confusion and hopelessness; squelch their self destructive and innappropriate anger; and they would do less harm to the name of Christ in the publc arena.
I don't recall God using the democratic process to elect Nebachudnezzar - and I certainly don't see any advice to vote for the blatantly less ethical choice.
Statistics would favor that the bleeding boy in the photo was due to a fanatic Muslim suicide bombing.
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