I want to end my relationship with the brand of Christianity that produces such heavy handed judgments and pronouncements as the kind that I have been receiving and reading from chrisitan brothers and sisters and pastors during this political season.
I do not believe its the spirit of Jesus...I think it's corrupt, deceptive, ugly, pessimistic, it's dark and filled with dusk, not dawn in its thinking.
I think its rooted in OT law, failures, types and shadows and not in NT accomplishments found in and through Christ. It uses language and methods that I find hard pressed to find in the way, truth and life of Jesus.
I believe this version of religion is at the very roots of our slide towards a Christ-less national experience. It cements our disdainful position in the eyes of our perplexed pre-faith communities as they look at the gospel Jesus and then listen to us, and gag.
I think is borders on a dark hue of fundamentalist induced mental illness that is preoccupied with destruction, evil and anger. It spawns and sparks the subculture of half cocked conspiracy theories, aliens and religious pulp fiction.
I think this stuff is the byproduct of the extreme end of the anti-study, anti-education, anti-thinking charismatic christianity. It's superstitious, rooted in fear and produces a bully like Christian subculture. It often presents itself as prophetic but in truth its abusive, phobic and guilty of chewing up sincere young minds and hearts.
My prayer is that the Lord would uproot this stuff out of my own heart first and foremost and empower me to live love in such a way, that the world would know that I am one of His disciples.
I am thankful for those of you who engage the issues, push back and forth, enjoy the serious work of reasoning, accept one another's differences and are able to walk with those who you choose agree to disagree with. I appreciate open minds, sharp wit, deep thought, sincere passion even if it is hot. I admire well thought out positions and value the perspectives gained by race, sex, age and background or culture even if I don't agree with some.
I am better because of you...keep reading, posting and disagreeing...but if you start busting blood vessels and spouting stuff that is evil and destructive...you are not welcome here...move on and go burn another persons house down with your angry words.
This is a very good post Eric!!! I also have struggled honestly with going back to church, yes I do have a long story of why I quit going, pray for me and my family that we find a true Godly church that people are actually serving others in.
Anyway I agree that there are many, many people following lambs to the slaughter. It even talks about the churches in Rev when Christ returns. Many churches (people) will fall.
I am not sure all of who is attacking and I pray that the Lord ceases and silences the mean spirited voices. I know I have disagreed with you on some issues but don't we all disagree sometimes, its life. Its bond to happen. But I would never purposely try to be hurtful or attack you. If I made you feel at any point I was please forgive me.
Eric I think you got a strong head on your shoulders, I am not leaving unless I am asked personally. Sometimes I get confused on who your talking too, so with me you kinda have to make it loud and clear lolol
Especially if I spell or write it better will you understand me lolololol
first of all Mary, i'm the worst speller in the world, so I'm the perpetual friend of they who spelleth worst.
Second, I have no word gun aimed at you. In fact it was many of your words that finally steered me away from Obama. So chalk one up for you.
I may not have voted the way you wanted me too but my vote was with a prolife candidate.
So you can see the good from at least your perspective, my pro Obama friends aside, that comes from strong debate and reasoning.
Blogs are good... Eat more of them.
Hi Eric, and Mary, This is a great post, and I know exactly the kind of people you are talking about, and sadly the church today preys on the ingnorance of some, and then upbraids them if they seek for truth outside their own opinion or agenda. I just posted a brief quote on 'reasonable conversation' by Isaac Watts, if Christians would simply take heed to this abbreviated quote, we would have far less fear-mongering, and far more truth.
Mary, don't you ever stop posting, it would leave a large hole.
Love Fred
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