Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon and the sins of Judah, all got the prophetic index finger with the above message from the Prophet Habbakuk. And the prophet Daniel also told Neb that if he was serious about the possibility of escaping God's judgment on his world dominating pride and escape becoming a grass gnawing Neanderthal, than he must: “Break away from his sins” and to “do righteousness,” to cease his “iniquities” and to “show mercy to the poor.” Daniel 4:27
As we wrestle as a country during these economic challenges, meltdown, collapse, crisis or whatever other words are used to mold and shape us towards some political end. I am reminded of the historical similarities, sins and cycles that are clearly outlined in the Bible. Remember that no matter what kingdom or ruler rises to power...they are still according to the scriptures part of a kingdom that is "passing away" (1 Corinthians 2:6). All these worldly empires are part of the statue of gold that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed would be struck by a heavenly stone, carved out without the hands of man; an act that would establish a Divine Kingdom that would rise and crush all other kingdoms and blow them away like dust, so complete that there was not even a trace of them found! (Daniel 2:35,44)
Daniel understood that no matter who was head of the political empires in the end it was a Sovereign God who held all power:
"He controls the course of world events; he removes kings and sets up other kings. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the scholars." Daniel 2:21
As we feel the crunch of Mammon's grip and are being lured by politicians and their promises, plans and pontifications; I pray that we would not be ignorant of the great place of peace that the Lord offers those who He calls to come out of Babylon. That we would refuse to bow down to an economic mentality that determines every vote or secures every position; by what it gives me. Revelations speaks of a time when men and women will be known as people who have 666 tattooed into their minds and hands...all they think and do, is motivated, controlled, determined and influenced by the spirit of mammon. A reviving of a Babylonian mentality that robs the poor, exalts materialism and militarism and continually prides itself as a World Power worthy of worship.
Worship is in the end something you do with your money anyway...where your treasure is, is where your heart is...as Jesus put it (Matt. 6:21).
Let's remember that Daniel told Neb that he was going to be judged for his prideful empire building ego..."until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes" (Daniel 4:25) and that "your kingdom will be assured to you after you recognize that it is Heaven that rules.(Daniel 4:26).
Heaven Rulz...I like that....put that on your Facebook and bumper sticker.
notice verse 3 of Hab. 2....
"3 This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed."
was Habakkuk prophesying about modern times???
i am sure there will be a full economic collapse before the end comes...
what we are seeing now is nothing...
the Great depression was nothing compared to what will come in the Great tribulation...
but yes, God raises up and brings down kings and leaders and He is in control of all things..
The word of prophesy
regarding Babylon came to pass
After 70 years. I know that most of
The modern authors grab all these
Scriptures and apply them to the future.
But in context, I think 70 years
was the appointed time. Not to say
There are not modern purposes of God
Unfolding, I believe there are.
i guess i should do a little more research before jumping to conclusions.... ;)
is it possible though that the prophesy could be for 70 years after and for today?
if not, we can most certainly learn something from it........
Loved your post!!! I love to read Rev and many of the other books in the bible talking about the end times. Your post was fantastic!
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