Here is an explanation of the Principle:
The principle that says it is morally allowable to perform an act that has at least two effects, one good and one bad. It may be used under the following conditions: 1. the act to be done must be good in itself or at least morally indifferent; by the act to be done is meant the deed itself taken independently of its consequences; 2. the good effect must not be obtained by means of the evil effect; the evil must be only an incidental by-product and not an actual factor in the accomplishment of the good; 3. the evil effect must not be intended for itself but only permitted; all bad will must be excluded form the act; 4. there must be a proportionately grave reason for permitting the evil effect. At least the good and evil effects should be nearly equivalent. All four conditions must be fulfilled. If any one of them is not satisfied, the act is morally wrong.
An example of the lawful use of the double effect would be the commander of a submarine in wartime who torpedoes an armed merchant vessel of the enemy, although he foresees that several innocent children on board will be killed. All four required conditions are fulfilled: 1. he intends merely to lessen the power of the enemy by destroying an armed merchant ship. He does not wish to kill the innocent children; 2. his action of torpedoing the ship is not evil in itself; 3. the evil effect (the death of the children) is not the cause of the good effect (the lessening of the enemy's strength); 4. there is sufficient reason for permitting the evil effect to follow, and this reason is administering a damaging blow to those who are unjustly attacking his country.
I hope that makes your choices more clear...yah, I know, me neither...dang.
Again read this: http://randyalcorn.blogspot.com/2008/10/why-im-voting-for-98-pro-life-john.html
Just pray about this issue with in this blog and what do you think your answer will be?
Doesn't make my decision any easier...but man that was a good read.
Mike and Eric,
Mike as I read your response I here I prayed for you both last night. Your words haunted me all night last night. I guess to me the answer is so clear. When I know the risk of voting for Obama is and how even Pastors of churches are voting for a man who believes in passing laws that will open up all abortions and make it harder to change laws, putting in more liberal judges, making our country a socialist country, he has such a shady past the list goes on and on and on. This to me shows how easy nations will be taken in accepting of the antichrist. It says it so clearly in the bible. I am not saying Obama is the antichrist but I am saying the bible says even the elite will believe. Last night it felt as if I was laying there watching the bible come to life. I decided to give it all to God, though I hardly slept last night with grief for your deception. I know you want to help the poor, but making the poor more important then innocent blood of a baby bothers me personally. I am not trying to judge of course I am just in grief for you. The answer seems easy for me, not because John Mccain will have all the answers but he can elect conservative judges in and veto bills that may be bad.
Remember helping the poor starts at home, each one us, one person at a time. To give government the responsibility of the people then they will have their hands in it and can control it.
Have you ever been to a church that is a 501 c 3 church that has a food bank. They can't just give food to a homeless man, they have to have a name, Address and more. I have been there, seen it myself. Because the governement requires it. So how is that feeding the hungry. When we allow government to go into our churches then we allow them to tell us what we can and cannot do. Anyway I could go on for days. I am just heartbroken and will continue to pray.
Eric.. if you get a chance, could you e-mail or write me a succinct note on facebook telling me your issues with why you would have a problem voting for Mccain? I don't understand it... he certainly wasn't my choice during the primaries, and I told them that in response to their fundraising letter, but the choice seems like a no-brainer in comparison to Obama and his shady ties, his blatant voting record, his naivety in regards to international security. Seriously, I don't see what the big deal is - I'm asking that you enlighten me. Thanks - Todd
Todd...sounds like a trap. ;0
No seriously, I've tried to be transparent here on my thinking and feelings and struggles faith-wise on various issues regarding the political choices, policies. An endeavor that seems to have been more of another way to paint a bulls-eye on my back than sharing honest wrestlings. My intent has been from the start to just dialogue my journey in this political season. I've attempted at looking and listening to both sides, watch the debates, read, listen, on and on...and then right some stuff.
I've got almost no more energy to respond much more...I'm thinking of maybe just removing comments and just write...it probably would ease my day and prevent people from getting to upset.
last months battle surrounding men, porn and beauty...was so draining, ive not got much fight left in me.
I appreciate your thoughts and responses and its clear where your vote is and your stand on the issues. I'm not here to try to persuade you.
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