Finally the curse was broken...last night under the looming booms of cascading fireworks, me and my friend Daniel, landed around 10 fish in the fading light on Diamond lake; you know that time of day, like in this picture, where heaven and earth bow and kiss one another good night. I caught 3 Perch, a nice brown trout and a rainbow, nothing to mount on some wall, but the joy of the catch returned. My fish drought was starting to get me down...thank the good Lord for fishing and...catching fish, it makes the whole experience divine. And then Daniel cooked up a couple on the fire as the family watched fireworks explode in the sky from the lake shore, making smores, wrapped in blankets and feeling very grateful for life in America. Good times, good times....
I'm jealous.
Breaking the "fish drought" is key to angling happiness - trust me, I know the feeling. It makes no difference that you wouldn't mount them on your wall or not, as you said, "the curse is broken."
How much is a day license for the State of Washington?
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