School was let out on June 14th...so far, the Playstation 2 & the Nintendo DS have been broken, the brand new Indiana Jones Nintendo DS game that I rented for Micah was left out of the case and Kona chewed it up. The curtain and the rod have been torn out of the wall. The beautiful plants I dug up at another house and replanted in my yard were attacked by marauding orcs at play and there on the road lay my slain raspberry bush and chopped and hacked lie my little Lilac tree.
Yesterday my toilet over flowed for no reason, which happened last month but also flooded my basement which cost me hundreds of dollars. This time toilet overflowed but nothing else happened, we got the plumber out here and found out that my youngest son had filled one of the washout pipes with rocks, a large stick and dirt...so the plumbing problems were the result of saying "Go outside and Play!". So thanks to my friend who came over and helped me dig out all the crap in the pipe, we got the clog free....$200 later.
In the end...I guess, I will just tell my kids to sit down and watch tv...all summer...at least I wont go crazy, kill someone or end up in the poor house.
Dude, I spent all of my summers parked in front of TV. Discovery Channel, History Channel kept me smart and Saved By the Bell reruns gave me an appreciation for lighthearted teen comedies.
Win-win, bro.
I feel sorry for you but I'm smiling the whole way through the post. Children, what a blessing. They help us keep our eyes off of material things because we know they will either end up on the roof, under the back wheels of the car, or under the remnants of a peanut butter and honey sandwich.
Awwww, these are the wonder years.
Love Dad
Our garage got flooded with sewage the day we moved into our brand new house. At least your house doesn't stink, our's stunk for weeks.
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