Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Lee & Jackson

Lee & Jackson
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.

LeeElla got to play babysitter today for Jackson our foster daughter's son. It's kind of amazing to see how life turns out...we think life is heading in one direction and end up getting a major u-turn and end up somewhere we never thought we would be. We end up finding grace in unlikely places or in the next generation. Strange to think that God might have a work for you in a child yet to be born. All the thistles and briars you are wrestling through or have torn your way through might be for a whole other reason or person. In the end that's what is awesome about following Jesus...you just trust and follow and He weaves it together. I am grateful that He is sovereign.


Anonymous said...

I am grateful He is sovereign too. He knows me so well to use my weakness of babies to keep my heart soft before Him and my hope alive for the future. I felt him smile and wink as I was squeezing my...grandson. Hey, I look pretty good for a grandma at the ripe old age of 37! ;) - LeeElla

Anonymous said...

What encouraging thoughts! Jackson, little did we know about you a year ago when things were mighty tough. Now, here you are, what mountains will you move?
How will the world benefit from you? God knows, and LeeElla and you get to put your loving mark on him. God is so good.