Saturday, May 05, 2007

Suspended reality...or just real ministry in the real world?

Here's a snap shot of an evening at Jacob's Well...

A jedi with a hand made light saber, a cloak and a Darth Vader tattoo across his back, ears with plugs and enough metal to drown with if you fell into a pond...but this Jedi can weave a story, entertain a child and has a flicker of light in his coming to life eyes.

A man who calls himself a "drunk, bum"...he's dating a married woman. I encouraged him to find a woman that would just be interested in him, he replied" Why do that, then she would always be calling ME!

Skulls, tats, smokers, drinkers and a dog visiting an art gallery.

Toothless cussers, ex-abusers, piles of excuses and slightly drug tainted illusions...tales of rape, abortion, murder and redemption...down here you find that Jesus has called a few Hell's Angels to be disciples.

Sitting with death...a man breathing his last few days of life. Emphysema and cancer, hard living catching up...prayers for the dying, hugs for the wife watching her lover slip into eternity, granddaughter's tears sliding down her soft cheeks like hope running away scared.

Wandering people off the street end up being guests...find a preacher and set a time to talk about getting married.

Welcome to our world...I feel like I am this neverland?

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