Friday, January 18, 2008

Be filled with the Spirit...

Unless you have experienced this reality, it's really hard to pass on. There is a joy in the Spirit, a dance, a movement of life that can only come from above. An awakening of the soul, a rebirth, a dawn. There are these moments when the finite and the infinite kiss, that has a measure of resurrection in it. It's like being filled up with something from outside but also inside. Like rain that comes down but it also opens up the deeps. An overflowing, a bubbling, a spilling out from some gusher that seems to fall down on you. Mysterious but contagious.

A reality that is easily shared, passed on, talked about, welcomed and passed along. A change that empowers one to cross the barriers of society and puts an urgency in the blood. Not out of duty but like someone who wants the world to know they have fallen in love. Calvary needs Pentecost...they go together....and like a marriage they can combust into a life giving rush of evangelistic fervor that spreads like a wildfire. Together they produce a deeply wonderful experience for the soul and just like the union of lovers...lots of new life should be the natural result. It's the wonder of Jerusalem's 3000 births in one day...miraculous indeed.

"And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high." -Luke 24:49

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love this video. I see in this video the message boiled down and presented in a way that words so often fail to express. The saying, "better felt than told", can be told through media. Love it.