Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Heirs of the kingdom...

"Didn't God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom...? (James 2:5)

One of the discoveries I am finding the longer I minister in the places Jesus said we would find an open door for the gospel (Matt. 25:31-46); is that it is usually the average or often overlooked people in our culture that are faithfully doing the works of Jesus. Most people today are too busy, too over scheduled. They have been blessed with looks and money and jobs and stuff...and all that seems to require almost everything. But there are many who are not pretty, don't have a lot of cash, are not that smart, don't have a social calendar that has many dates on it, are not at the gym, or playing golf or out shopping. They are overlooked because they don't look good enough...but God sees them.

They pour soups in rickety homeless shelters, clean up after meals when everyone else is off to their own world, cut out flyers with cheap scissors, change diapers in overworked nurseries, they deliver meals to people that won't ever really get to come to church. They don't pastor churches with fancy pulpits but preach the word in jail cells on their own time. They don't get the praise of big crowds, offices or copper name tags on their door. They don't smell the best, dress in the latest fashions, or have the sweet rides. They might not know what Infralapsarianism is or be able to lead an inductive bible study but they can make a dying elderly person smile in a neglected nursing home. They show up. They want to be with people. They help out. When other's can't or won't...they do.

They truly have "bridled the tongue and let their lives speak of their faith.

I am humbled by their godliness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this post. I think it is part of the reason when Matt became a Christian I took him to skid-row to listen to the mission Pastors serving there. No padded pews, no basketball hoop, but,emmmmmmmm, good preaching!