Saturday, March 12, 2005

Still standing in the Blogolosseum....

So why do I read and write blogs?

I think it's in our primordial blood.

I am full of words and the spirit within me compels me;
inside I am like bottled -up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst.
I must speak and find relief;
I must open my lips and reply.
-Job 32:18-20

In the beginning was the word...simple as that.

It's built within our nature to communicate with others, to share, commune and reveal, to disclose and pronounce, to speak into the void and create. It's THE IMAGE in us...We were created by word, wind and dirt and all three find expression in this technological "little e"...eden.

For me the interaction with and within the swirling amniotic waters of this ever growing digital womb;
has helped form me in ways I wouldn't have experienced;
if I hadn't taken this high speed global expedition.

I have been set free from my geographical, socioeconomic, religious and geo-political boxes. I have been allowed to go adventuring, exploring and the walk has done me good. It's led me to connect with people in ways I would of never been able too in the past. It's taken me literally to other continents through the connections made here.

But...there is something more for me in this; the net is also a new era "Blogolosseum".
It's adversarial.
It's a place to wrestle, attack and be attacked without the shedding of real blood. That might be a pro or con, I am not sure? Net anonymity has a liberating and castrating effect on some. It can put words in an otherwise silent mouth or turn a virtual kiss into a Judas kiss in the click of a mouse.

It's a very naked high dive experience that everyone can see but only you can overcome the willies and take the plunge. Will you find a community noose that yanks you into a violently expulsing display of your tender innards or a pool of rebirth that transports you to the highest planes of incandescent lucidity?

Probably both...but there is something very reincarnational about it all.

Your phoenix rises out of the ashes of your flaming experience and you find your hide thicker from the verbal tanning. You are more keen and shrewd because of it all. A wizening of the serpent has taken place that wouldn't have happened unless you came out into the open air of the Blogolosseum. Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a well written explanation to understate it. I find that although in some ways a blog is impersonal, in others it is the most personal glimpse into a person. Blogs are muses and frequently we don't share our musings freely but there they are for all to read and peek into the very personal. I have found out many things about you and Matt from your blogs that have never come up in conversation. I like that immensly. Seeing and reading things shared that interest the blogger, whether art, prose or morality is a personal revealing, that again we often just don't have time for. It's here to stay.