Sunday, July 31, 2005

Telling a tale...

"A system is like the tail of truth, but truth is like a lizard. It leaves its tail in your fingers and runs away knowing full well it will grow a new one in a twinkling." -Ivan Turgenev
I have always thought this quote captures a side of truth that is more true to experience than possibly theology but true nevertheless when it comes to a "system" of truth vs experiencing truth as a person. So much of our problems stem from this misunderstanding. We are like those who in searching and dissecting the inner make up of the specimen, end up killing it. Missing the whole by focusing n the parts. One can eat flour but not say he has eaten bread.
Recently I have been thinking about the immense power of story, parable and fanciful tales in relation to sharing truth. How one can tell a story about someone else and yet the hearer has the opportunity to see oneself in the story if they have ears to hear. Unlike nonfiction that often points the tip of the blade of truth at the hearers neck.
I am seeing much more wisdom in the former path to understanding, the older I get.
The power of story has a way of disarming the hearer and removing the pungent audacity that sometimes seems to linger in the air around preaching. I think this is a major point to communication for this generation, upon which we stumble badly.
We need better storytellers today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we hadn't have lived on Hunnel if we would be able to appreciate the quote as well? I remember at some point realizing there were more lizards around our house without tails than with. -Matt