Monday, July 25, 2005

This is my middle brother Marc.
As I was standing shirtless in the water at Wildwaters a waterpark in ID Marc said something that said more than he realized. He caught a glimpse of a small scar that I have on my lower back and said...I remember what that was from.
I have not been shirtless around Marc in probably 20 years, only family remembers that kind of stuff. The scar came from a really nasty bike wreck I had on my ten speed involving gravel, blood, tissue, two elderly ladies and a scrubbing from mother that hurt like hell.
It happened to me but now I realize, it happened to him too.
Strange how lives are intertwined in so many different ways.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every road is a comparison for me to Hunnel Road and it's endless red bumps. -Matt