Our defintition of art is the breaking open of the breastbone, for sure. Just open-heart surgery. I wish there was an easier way. But in the end, people want blood, and I am one of them. -Bono, U2 frontman.
I read this recently in the Rollingstone interview with Bono and came to a conclusion�I live this way too. My definition of LIFE: is breaking open the breastbone. I cannot seem to endure surface living for very long and find it near impossible to tolerate it. I usually will bleed first and regret it later but in the end I am glad that I have dared to live so vulnerable.
Bob Dylan said in a song: I gave you my heart but you wanted my soul.
Living naked has cost me dearly, in fact, the more vulnerable I have become the greater pain I end up embracing. To love in this world is to welcome suffering. The mystery is how to allow the pain to baptize the heart but not drown the soul�a path not easily walked or understood.
Prophets are slain and the poets kill themselves.
The truly human life, which is a truly spiritual life, is a vulnerable, dangerous and shattered life. Prophets dare to speak and people would rather live in silence...the silence of feeling, of heart, of mind. To be an oracle of reality, forces people to respond to truth, the truth of how they really feel or think or are living. People usually have only stones for prophets because they force us out of the shadows that we live in.
Poets drag out the heart kicking and screaming and compel her to wail, to weep and to prophesy, to slit her throat on the knife of brutal honesty. Honesty strangles herself with her own hands. It�s a Greek tragedy for sure; but a necessary death that testifies that there are still those�who know how to live.
God gave us preachers to remind us that we will not live forever. God gave us poets to remind us that we're not dead yet. -G.K. Chesterton.
I testify that�I am not dead yet.

Your post has caused me to think of my own life, how I live. I am usually the opposite of this way of living. I tend to live in the shadows, revealing little for fear of rejection or loss of friendship. I truly despise living life this way. It truly is like death. I feel isolated, at times without hope, wondering why I even want to live at all. Please pray that the course of my life could change, that I could see a different way of living. I long to talk with people about things that matter.
They fought like warrior poets. They fought like men.
And won their freedom.
Freedom comes at a cost, one not many are willing to pay. It's intense, but it's worth it.
Stand firm my friends Neue, and Eric. Yea, you are not dead yet. Pick up your crosses daily, and step into the parted sea. The storms of self doubt are calmed when His presence is in the boat with you. Now walk in that presence. Prophesy to the lost that life is beautiful, and the Poet will give you His heart.
This is so very painfully beautiful...
Hold on tightly to the brief, yet beautiful moments in your life. It is His way of reminding you what life is truly about.
-This can be difficult, but please try.
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