Friday, December 08, 2006

a word in season...

Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
"The Frieze of the prophets" (Hosea, Obadiah, Joel and Zephaniah) by John Singer Sargnet captures a refreshed theme in my inner life lately.

Prophecy is a spiritual gift that has been an ongoing gift that the Holy Spirit has manifested through me ever since I was born from above at age 15.

It is a gift of the Holy Spirit though and like all the gifts they come and go like the wind. Jesus said that those born of the Spirit would operate much like the wind. There would be a coming and going nature about them that is unpredictable in its pridictableness.

For me it comes in seasons. Like a spiritual tide that I cannot command, call or force but simply await and flow within. Sometimes it is strong, sometimes calm, at times His voice is loud and in others moments...quiet like a whisper.

Lately His voice has been approaching gently but clearly. This morning at 3:30 am, I was awakened by a tearing sound. I woke up and lay there and then prayed and He spoke.

"I have put the power of my Holy Spirit in your hands"

I immediately laid my hands on my head and chest and prayed for my health issues. Then this phrase came to my mind. I have never heard it before but it summed up the moment and I anticipate the days ahead, he spoke again.

"In the name of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God"

All of my advancing moments of change and new ground being taken have been prophesied times. I have "seen" them before I ever did them. I know the "My times are in Your hand" as David said. These days are fruit from years of suffering, prayer, sowing and waiting. God's word and His promises to us are coming to pass in some phenomenal ways. We should take time to prayerfully thank God for His plan, His love and His goodness to us.

The new year is almost here and I sense that it will be another amazing year of deeds done...In the name of Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, for the glory of God!

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