Monday, June 04, 2007

Sean Connery O8?

for pres
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.

Just think about it...He's carrying a gun and wearing homoerotic clothing...something for the right and the left to be happy about. He may be the best Purple canidate yet...just an idea.


Michael McMullen said...

My--my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Zardoz.... great movie in an Andy Warhol weird sort of way...

Anonymous said...

I'm a Sean fan...but really, this is crazy in a creepy way!!...and yet, I find myself staring.
I remember seeing clips of this movie and it being somewhat soft-porn 60s style with phyco drug lense stuff. (yuck) Am I remembering this right? Dunno.
Question: Would one be afraid or slightly amused if he was walking toward you...Is it possible that he left in a hurry and forgot the pants and shirt that go with this pirate costume? ooooo, I must close this window now. - LeeElla :\

Anonymous said...

You're mostly correct Lee. Flying Easter Island Heads with people inside, strange moody-camera tricks, guys dressed like Sean shooting up villages from horse back, telepathic dialog.
To answer your question... I would be afraid... very afraid.

Michael McMullen said...

Well now I have to see that movie.

And I think a guy who dresses like that "works" at the Pizza Rita at the bus station downtown.