
I am sorry for not giving you the gospel, in the way and in the clarity that you deserved. The gospel is about Jesus...so much of what I gave you was about you. The true gospel focuses on what He has done, who He is and sets people free from themselves...both their sins and their "righteousness". It is liberating. The other gospel...has man and what he does or doesn't do at it's center. It creates bondage and encourages sin...both the good kind and the bad kind. Looking back, I know I sincerely wanted the best for you. To see you grow in Christ, change the world, reach the lost, draw close to God, become more prayerful, remain pure, lead others, find God in worship, know your bibles, reach your campuses, love the lost, be good kids, obey your parents, sacrifice for God's kingdom, touch the nations and a host of other "good" things.
But in the end...I encouraged you to work hard...but I didn't teach you to rest in the work of God.
The simple gospel is: "...knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but through faith in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 2:16)
I am not sure if you would have come to that knowledge under my ministry. For that I ask your forgiveness. Looking back, I see more and more that "ministry" was more about me...than you. It was more about the growing drive to reach more, grow bigger, impress people, make a name, go farther than others in the spirit, have a more "spiritual" youth group...in fact, drop the "group" and put the word "church" in there, because we were going to be better than other "groups" we were going to be a youth church. So much of that, though sincere...was sincerely wrong. It divided. It put some in and others out. It put undue strain on teens who should of been enjoying just being teens instead of gathering the world onto their shoulders.
You were good enough for God but not good enough for me...and that was wrong. I see now that so much of youth work is really in vain. It's like trying to wash out the stripes of the zebra. The gospel accepts our sinfulness, our humanness, our immaturity...in fact to truly understand the gospel, you have to start with: the truth that...you are not able to save yourself.
So much of church ends up teaching you that you can save yourself, improve yourself, control yourself, restrain yourself, beat yourself, trust yourself, harness yourself...and when life teaches you that you are not able...a deep disillusionment can settle in. I have seen this happen in many of you. Some of that is simply believing a false gospel that is centered on human work instead of the work of Christ.
For some of you...it was too much. I was too much...to intense, to raw, to strict. I was to legalistic in my drive to help you "give it all to God". I was hyped up on too much world changing charismatic shit. I was to young to see the difference between growing something and producing something.
A large anything is usually unhealthy...but the pressure to perform is innate in the systems of church, the world, academics and relationships. We are plagued with a cancer of human potential thinking that sounds so good to hear but when you come to the end of it...you realize that Christ and you are two very different realities. One opens up life like a flower and the other portrays life like a dark chore to endure and change.
I hope and pray that in your struggle to grow up that you are finding Christ. My hearts desire is that you would be consumed with the rest of enjoying Him, walking with Him and serving Him in a humble and sincere way. That you would see your life as a gift to live gratefully and in doing so, you would see that your life glorifies the One who gave it to you.
I wish you would of encountered more of Jesus and less of me...but, in the end, that is the trouble of this world...seeing Jesus in the midst of so much other crap. I hope you do better than I have done.
I think all Christians would agree with me if I said that though Christianity seems at first to be all about morality, all about duties and rules and guilt and virtue, yet it leads you on, out of all that, into something beyond. One has a glimpse of a country where they do not talk of those things, except perhaps as a joke. Everyone there is filled full with what we should call goodness as a mirror is filled with light. But they do not call it goodness. They do not call it anything. They are not thinking of it. They are too busy looking at the source from which it comes."
- C.S. Lewis
You are loved...in all your youthiness, in all your imperfections, in all your teenish ways...in all your failures and accomplishments. I think of you with love and grace. I pray for you and dream of the day when all of us can walk gently and humbly in love and in grace for the glory of God.
wow p. eric that.....i really am speechless like i have a million things running throw my head but i cant write them lol well i love you and miss you guys like crazy i
will be home the 17- the 22 of nov. i would love to go out for coffie and talk with you.......509 994 4460 is my num. give a call somtime i hope you have a great day and i will deff. see you soon!
D,Dness, D dog, or as i am called now CSSN Baziotis, Derek M.
I have been going over similar thoughts lately myself. It's not about following the law, it's about being it. It's not about controlling your tongue, it's about controlling your heart. I think we often try to control the outside more than growing the inside. But everything on the outside is directly related to who we are in the inside.
Jesus says a lot but he's pointing to one thing the whole time. He said while the law says one thing is a sin, even thinking about it is just as bad. Why? Because if you have those thoughts, then you don't have the mentality necessary to BE what God wants of you. It is in that which I have pondered recently. That my heart is the only thing that must change, and EVERYTHING else will fall into place. That's where God comes in, and where our relationship with God is fulfilled.
Once we know love, we see love. We want love. We spread love. And nothing else matters.
Someone told me recently that "wanting to be respected or have a name for something is more dangerous than going after money. People that work to build a name for themselves are willing to step on and over others, but those after money understand the importance of relationships better, it's part of the system of money." I'm not sure if it's all true, but I agree that when we go after recognition we are in danger. This keeps rattling through my mind as of late...
Just keep on, keeping on. love, Matt.
This post is simply a chance to offer confession and hope to those in my youth churches that felt that they never measured up. I offer you this simple truth:
Many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first. -Matt 19:30
Many that are not looked upon as great in this world...will be in the next. That isn't to take away from the many awesome young people that I served that embraced, stretched, pressed and pulled into Christ and for Christ in those years. I am still amazed by so many of you...you inspire me.
But I hurt for many of you that need less of a conquering king and more of a simple humble man. I wish I could of introduced you to the man who was called Jesus...as well as I portrayed the God who was Jesus.
I realize now...we need the WORD in flesh. He came that way for more reasons than I was aware of in earlier days. I see now a beauty in the lamb that stands in heaven as if slain (Rev. 5:6)...it's a mystery indeed but one that liberates when seen in the light of Christ. There is a humble power in the Jesus of the gospels..a lowliness that is there for those of us who are not the gifted, not the beautiful, not the wise, not the chosen first kind.
Blessed are the poor in spirit -Jesus.
Not many books teach you how to build with the poor of spirit...I am still learning.
Dearest Eric,
Well first of all, I have to say that I belive you were a wonderful youth pastor, back in my day! :-)
We always felt so very loved & accepted by you... Challenged in our faith, yes, and stretched to live "outside the box"... but all of those are good things in my opinion! So to forgive you... well, there's nothing truly to forgive, my friend... :-)
Yah know, praise God, that He uses us in spite of ourselves, in spite of all our shortcomings...
He delights in that!! Over the years, I've seen the dire importance of being in His Word faithfully every day & in prayer before Him... Without which, we have NO SWORD against the enemy's tactics, to destroy our lives... and those are honestly some of the seeds that you planted in my life! I truly enjoy that sweet fellowship with Him every day... hopefully growing into maturity... No more rollercoaster rides for this gal, with those tremendous ups & downs! He alone helps keep me steady... leading me to accomplish "His purposes" for my life, and getting "ME" out of the way... I can't tell you how refreshing that is... :-)
Anyway, all this to say... that in reality, a part of who I am today, is because of what you "put into" my life for Jesus, those many years ago... and that is beautiful, and so cherished by BOTH ME and the Lord... :-)
Those awesome words we long to hear some day, "WELL DONE, good & faithful servant; you were FAITHFUL over a FEW THINGS, I will make you ruler over many things. ENTER INTO THE JOY OF YOUR LORD!"
...and I believe that you most definitely will hear those words my brother... :-)
I love you forever in Christ, and am looking forward to the day!
Cristi P.
Thanks Cristi...your words mean so much. Coming from someone in the first youth group I ever had the joy of serving means a lot...I cut my teeth on you poor souls :) Ahh the memories...I think of Pauls words in Philippians 4:1 when I read your words Cristi:
Dear brothers and sisters, I love you and long to see you, for you are my joy and the reward for my work. So please stay true to the Lord, my dear friends.
You are a gift.
Wow Eric as Sue Williams would say "that gave me Jesus bumps," really it was very touching and means a lot to me when you write something as serious as that. I'm glad I was part of your first group. You were the second youth pastor for me but the first that I connected with.
I've had a few youth pastors and worked with a couple youth pastors, all which I have memorable times with but none stand out to me as much as you, I saw you actually develop relationships with the kids within the youth which I think is the greatest example a youth pastor can give his pupil's, that it's about relationship with Christ not this religous act of going to church because that's just what christians do. Ya maybe your teachings could of been more thick with the word, maybe better in this and that area but what do you expect from a rookie :) that's just the learning process, and what the Lord did within the areas you lacked in touched us forever.
I love you for eternity, your brother in Christ.
Dan Marchant
P.S. - Whenever John "butter" Baxter and I reminisce about past youth events we always talk about how much we loved you as a youth pastor.
wow...I am humbled, thank you for those kind words Dan, they mean a lot.
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