Booooo...part one of the premiere stunk. I will hold out for part two tonight but I am not hopeful.
First of all they didn't give us anything new...same story line but on tv. Come on, isnt there anyone out there that could write something orgional for the first look at the show? The male Terminator was a joke...his trying to look scary and tough face...was comical. His herky-jerky movements were like bad break dancers trying to pop and lock in my JR days. Sarah's not bad, John will work, and the new Terminette...not sure yet...she sure was getting thrown around like a little toy poodle. You would think they would of sent some chick like one of the American Gladiators. I hope this show doesn't end up like The Bionic Woman, which was my last mercy-viewing...I tanked that after about 3 episodes. Besides "Battlestar" is there any good tv Scfi out there???
i liked it....
but then again, i don't like battlestar galactica.... ;)
I can dig it. I know from experience that a lot of sci-fi shows start off a little shaky, but actors and writers grow into the roles. I'm sure they will hear what people say and adapt.
The part where the nuke blew the skin off the terminator was pretty badass though.
DoNt LiKe BaTtLeStAr????
Oh Joey...I am praying for you...next you are going to tell me you like Jar Jar Binks or something. I am not sure if I can pastor such a wayward scfi sheep. I will have to fast and pray on this one.
I do like the original battlestar... from the 70's..
The new one seems like too much drama going on.....
Same thing with the newer star trek shows...
Jar jar does not fit in anywhere... lol :D
If you had said you like Jar Jar, I would have said "forget the fasting and praying...this boy needs an exorcism".
But it's all good.
How can you go wrong when then wife from the 300 movie is the leading lady, right babe?? ; ) (and all the men said, "Amen")
Seriously tough...she's got sweet hair in this show, and her acting was better in the second episode...so we'll see.
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