I was blessed to speak at the "Community and Populations as Clients class at Gonzaga University's Department of Nursing this week. I have been assisting a group of graduating nurses with a project in our neighborhood. They have developed a Over The Counter Drug booklet for the karen refugees that identifies and explains simple products to help them self medicate basic issues. We had it translated into Karen and will be available for use to the refugee community here in Spokane. They had to present the project to the class in a presentation and I was invited to speak and show my brother Matt's film "Prayer of Peace". It was a great opportunity to speak about how to use nursing to help underprivileged people in our own community and challenge them to take those gifts internationally and work for Justice. My brother's film was a perfect tool to use for such a message. The medical teams and nurses he spotlights in the film were perfect. I was moved yet again, to see how God is at work in so many ways and in places we would never have imagined.
I, too, am blown away how God cares so much and is so creative in bringing seemingly unassociated events into perfect patterns. I sit here wonderning how your words and Matt's film will impact someone there that the Lord has been whispering to. It'll be good.
Love Dad
That's awesome Eric. Very inspiring to see our great God at work through "real people".
I'm not "there yet" to LEAD an effort such as the one you are participating in.. but everything I read about your ministry to the Karen refugees just seems so RIGHT!
Makes me want to participate in some small way.
Just do the small stuff bro....most people don't and then miss the big stuff God likes to do with people who will follow the small way.
I just try to do the small stuff. I can do small stuff, so can you. Thats the best way to "lead" anyway...right?
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