I like Obama, as far as he presents himself. I like the idea of a black man in the white house. But I wouldn't want it to be anyone black or white, who isn't presenting substantive ideas and plans for the nation. Just being young doesn't do it for me...voting just on the basis of color doesn't do it for me. Slogans and youtube rock star videos don't move me. Movie stars and tv personalities don't persuade me...sorry Oprah.
Hilary is sharp. But just having a woman in the white house doesn't move me. Experience alone won't solve our national problems. In fact, I think fresh ideas and a little inexperience might just put the nation on a new course. Mayby we need a little risk, some ideals yet squashed by years of insider pessimism. Mrs. Clinton is an aggressive politician and ambitious...I simply don't buy her as a truly concerned candidate. I see Hilary in this campaign...not a public servant. Like her husband...it seems all about her. That worries me.
A black man and a white woman running for president is awesome. Those are great high water marks as far as our nation goes. I am happy they are on the tickets and that the prospects of our nation actually being open to such things makes me proud. But the issues they promote and the ideology they spread...I wrestle with.
Yes, I am a value voter. I would say that I value all aspects of life as it relates to a plank in a political party...both in the womb and out of the womb. I wouldn't vote for someone that would support abortion. Knowing that my vote would help slaughter more babies in the womb...prevents me from voting for a pro-choice candidate. I hate to think that it all comes down to being a one issue voter; I dont think I am, but it is a major foundational plank to me.
So for the moment...I don't fit in just one political camp.
Most leaders that seem to run for president these days look like flat tires to me....they might get us somewhere for awhile but not very fast and will eventually leaves us dead on the side of the road.
I don't really like any of the candadites that are running or have dropped out of the Rebulican race.
I voted for Bush because as a value voter...the character issues that surrounded the presidency of Bill Clinton, were a big issue to me. Soooo anyone else was a big motivation at that time. But....as the Bush presidency moved on...I found myself disenfranchised with his leadership. The second run for president was one of the hardest votes I have ever made. I studied, prayed, debated and in the end...voted with my nose plugged. I didn't want to but...I voted for Bush again. I regret it, but nobody was around to stand behind. I felt I had no choice and the longer I watch the Republicans...the more I find myself wrestling with the conclusions that they don't seem to offer much choice either. Nobody rises above. None of them
I like Mike Huckabee in most responses, his record seems fair, his ability appears capable but his viability to lead the nation vs a group of conservatives in the nation seems like a long shot. Sometimes I wonder if modern christians make good politicians. I think in days gone past...men where more broad in their thinking and convictions. The men of the revolutionary era were obviously religious in their perspectives and lives but they were also able to stand in the public arena. Not with a pulpit but with great minds and great plans. They led from their life more than their doctrine. Huckabee seems like he would lead more from a sanctuary than the oval office. That worries me.
Ron Paul...well, I wish I could of heard him more. But his quirkiness got him shoved in the corner. And when I saw his campaigners holding a Who would Jesus Bomb sign at Martin Luther King Jr parade...I didn't think I could fit to well in that camp.
Romney...well, again, his religious convictions, beliefs and point of view, really worried me. Plus, he seemed like more of the same...too slick for me.
McCain looks and sounds like he will be the Republican nominee...and as the above picture from King Of The Hill portrays; he looks and sounds like another Presidency of war-centric ideas and plans. I have watched almost all the debates on tv or on the net. Most of time McCain just puts me to sleep...same old, same old. Yes..he would kill and hunt down the bad guys, I don't doubt that. But that wont be the basis of my vote alone...I hope....God have mercy, I hope it doesn't come to that. I pray I will have something more to vote for than a man who will be all about putting the boot up the rear of the terrorists.
I am still undecided.
Just praying that someone will come out of the shadows and offer me a leader that I will be glad to vote for.
A Dark Horse candadite.
Are you out there?
Ron Paul simply wants to follow the constitution so goverment doesn't get more out of control...out of control in spending, in building an empire around the world. Lets be honest he has no chance to win but it is his ideas about the monetary policy, foreign policy and the constitutional role of government in our lives that he is promoting now. My hope is that in getting his ideas out people will join him and in the future we will have a canidate to vote for like him. In regards to the sign, I have heard him say that pre-emptive war is not Christian and I have to agree. "Get the bad guys before they get you" HOw many years can we aford this type of foreign policy? Insane McCain says he would stay in Iraq for 100 years. God help us! Ron Paul also points out that 12/15 high jackers were from Saudi Arabia on 9/11. So who is next...Iran....Saudi Arabia...N. Korea.
Ron Paul...the champion of the constitution....his ideas are in line with our Fore fathers as they wrote these documents for our protection. God have mercy on us until a man like him gets in office!
I am 100% conservative and republican second. Never as long as dems believe in abortion much less 90% of the other things they do will I vote for that party. Thats just me. I happen to think President Bush is great. Voted for Him and would do it again. I am not much help here. I however do feel the same way. I am not very happy with the Reps this time around. I am also back and forth!!!
Here's a novel (utopian?) idea... get rid of all political parties. What would this accomplish, you ask? It would force each and every American voter to take a good hard look at each candidate and vote based SOLELY on said candidates views. No more going down the ballot and checking R, D, I or whatever simply because "They're this party so they MUST believe in what I do." The party system has made all of us lazy.
Eric, you seem to be the exception to the rule. Kudo's to you.
don't blame me, i voted for ron paul!
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