Tuesday, July 15, 2003

"My God, What is a heart
That Thou shouldst it so eye and woo
Powering upon it with all Thy art
As if thou hadst nothing else to do?"
-George Herbert (Mattens)

I am amazed at the persistence of God. His ever looming shadow that seems to always beckon me nearer.
His gentle knocking, His whispers to my wayward mind.

Like the maiden I often find myself saying:

"I slept but my heart was awake. Listen! My lover is knocking; Open to me..." -SoS 5:2

He finds me, no matter where or what I find myself hiding within. The hound of heaven ever pursues me. He appears in the music, movies, books, the child, in the birds, the singing of the trees, the depth of the water.

Everywhere I am, He is there in it but not of it...but through it.

It is a mysterious thing to know He desires my heart.
My core, the very innermost intimate place, the real me. Not a superimposed religious self, or a propped up "be good because others are looking" facade but the true me; the raw me, all of it, the inside of the cup too.

I don't know if that encourages anyone else but the fact that I feel Him pressing in on me even when I don't seem to respond as much as I should, gives me hope. Like the sun that always rises, always spreads forth it's life giving warmth and power, so I bask in the ever dawning of God.

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