Monday, August 11, 2003

My hunger to be heard is proof of....
I was writing to my brother Matt the other day about blogging and made this comment that
the desire for communication and community is reflective of:

"The image of God in us. The trinity infleshed in the fabric of our soul:
the desire and need for relationship among three.
Not just two but three, that is the mystery of birth and church."

I've been pondering that one for a while.


I needed that.
Thanks Mike, I needed to share that with someone and I didn't even know I felt that way.
It was a humbling moment but very needed. Sometimes we need a friend to just unload on.
Sometimes we need to unload more than we think. You being there was a surprise visitation,
you were my angel in the desert...thanks for the drink and bread.

The dog got loose
Someone was sharing with me how their husband ran off and rented all his favorite movies that he had
been longing to see but wouldn't because he knew his wife wouldn't approve; after he heard me speak a message at church.

Grace reveals what is in the heart, Law hides the heart.
Sharing truth can open up the Pandora's box of people's hearts.
Sometimes truth is dangerous but I would rather live in a dangerous freedom than a safe prison.

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