Saturday, September 04, 2004

I've encountered this religious spirit this week. I have been deeply troubled by it. I do not want to be lumped into this crowd at all. It saddens me to see us form our opinions and judgments about other people along more narrow lines than Jesus did. What is it about looking down on others that makes us feel better about ourselves? What good is a faith that pushes seekers away by the stench of our self-righteousness. Why do we think that God accepts us on some other basis than the shed blood of His Son? Why do we think that our eating habits, worship preferences, religious attire or specific historical traditions somehow make us more chummy with Jesus? Why are we so concerned about what other people think about us? Religion has a sick way of hurting people. It maliciously seeks to define, categorize, label people and is drenched in a host of usually false assumptions. how about you just getting off your spiritual high horse and quit thinking your so pretty smelling. You're hell bound as fast as the next guy...get over yourself.

 Posted by Hello

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