Tuesday, September 07, 2004

That news is too good...?

I used to think Jesus did things that angered some people and it got Him killed. It finally occurred to me that none of us get in trouble for preaching a God who's too angry, too harsh, too punitive or too judgmental, but you start preaching a God who's too loving, too forgiving, too merciful; and you will be in trouble. There will be people who will get you for preaching such good news and it's what all of us are called to do.
-Bishop Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop.
Wow, that is some incredibly keen insight.
This is a controversial issue for sure but I think it is one of the defining issues facing a new generation of believers. I personally am not satisfied with the answers that I get from the typical religious think tanks on the issue; and if I do agree with the ideal truth...I'm still not OK with the living out of that truth in most churches. I know and have walked with many who are homosexual or lesbian. Some have been wonderful people, others not. I wish there was more intelligent and non-combative, bible-thumping conversation about the real issues facing us who are friends or pastors of homosexual people.
I do not think God hates fags...in fact I think, He hates how we have lived out the truth among those who are fumbling for truth. In some ways our wrestling with the issue has revealed more about our own sinful hearts than anyone else's.  

1 comment:

Scott Patershall said...

Hi Eric,

I'm very interested in giving a loving response with regards to this issue, but I admit that I shy away from this subject, because of my ignorance. Would you please forward me any insight or posts that you may have on this subject. This topic is becoming huge and I need to be equipped.
