Tea...I used to drink tea all the time. Earl Gray was my usual drink of choice. Hot, no sugar or cream just straight tea. There was something ascetic about it that I liked. Plus no one else seemed to drink it, so I was feeling very countercultural. I'd be hanging out with the peeps and the hostess says..."what would you like to drink?" Peeps say..."Mt. Dew, Pepsi, Coffee etc"...and then out of slightly dark corner, from under the brim of his oversized hat, the mysterious stranger whispers eloquently with a hint of an almost English accent...Tea please, Earl Gray tea.

Nice taco meat bro!!! Did your girlfriend from Oklahoma take you to Glamour Shots at the mall when she was in town? Sexy!!!
Ya, I wasn't sure if I should put such a sexy shot of my brute self up on this site, for fear of poor souls like you...stumbling from such a display of testosterone induced manliness. But hey...I live on the wild side right? ;)
It's the tea what does it, I'm sure.
Tea drinkers of the world unite!
Now what I see is a trace of Warren in your eyes, odd huh?
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