Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Got to love them smokes...

So LeeElla and I stop at Rocket bakery downtown in Spokane for some coffee. Of course we have no change for the parking meter, I look around, it's a fairly industrial part of town, I am sure no meter maid is going to be in this neck of the woods, so we wing it. We have coffee and just as we are about to finish I look out at the car and there is the meter man about to write a ticket. LeeElla jets out to try her female persuasion powers but I know they wont work on such diehard city employee, so I head out a bit behind her.

As I approach I hear them talking but he is still writing, so with a flash of insight I marry wit with wisdom and notice he is smoking. Now Washington just passed a no smoking law within 25 feet of public buildings. So with lighting fast sarcasm I shout out as I am running up to my car:

Hey! Your not smoking in a public place are you?

He looks stunned, shocked really...but puzzled nonetheless. He mumbles a few words about making time for parking blah blah blah but then says he will not write the ticket. We say thanks and jump in the car and split...LeeElla was sure he was going to write a ticket for double do to my jab.
I simply laughed with delight.


Anonymous said...

Too funny. I love stickin' it to the man.

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine that non-smoking ban trying to pass in Western Europe?! (it's hard to type that without laughing) Do you remember the chimney stack at the laundromat in Amsterdam? I remember standing out front with the door open so we could at least gasp for a semblance of air through the cloud. That's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

oops. forgot to sign.

Anonymous said...

The part Eric left out was that my "charms" had already got us off the hook before his FLAPPER started yacking!! I thought for sure Mr. Meter would change his mind for spite, and add a few zeros while he was at it!! For the record, I fully expected to pay the ticket...we deserved it...BUT...being a woman DOES have occasional, unsolicited perks. (wink * wink) Those wonderous moments help counter balance my other bad experiences with ignorant males who upon first meeting believe all women are the same: STUPID! I've encountered several surprised landlords/car salesmen who thought foolishly that this broad had "idiot" stamped on her forehead.
Ah, yes...Eric loves to stand back and watch me work with these poor fools. - Got us some great car deals in the end! - LeeElla :)