faded memories
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
We have been blessed by some good friends to have access to a cabin on Diamond lake about an hour from Spokane. We spent Sunday and Monday at the lake this last weekend for Father's day with our family and LeeElla's mom and dad and sister. We had a great time boating, fishing and roasting smores around the fire. That's Destiny on the jet ski and Austin and Micah and I fishing off the dock. Austin caught a large mouth bass, a trout and two perch and Destiny caught two perch and I caught a large trout but it came off the hook just as I was pulling it on to the dock. We took Kona our 80 pound black lab and she swam so much that she sprained her tail. It hung painfully limp for two days :)
"I caught a large trout but it came off the hook just as I was pulling it on to the dock."
Ha! A likely story...
Pastor Eric, this is an amazing photo! Did you take it? I seriously think it could win contests!
Congratulations on hitting the one-year mark, too! And what a year it's been, huh? I am so blessed to see how God has shown such favor to all of you since you stepped out in faith. You're all such inspirations to me!
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