Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Jacob never loved Leah
Genesis 29

Ministry...or life for that matter, is a marriage to both Rachel's and Leah's.
It's polygamy at it's most holy state.
We are all "married" to that which we are passionate about and that which we do not love.
But we are called, or at least we could if we embraced it..."bear children" from both.

Most of my struggle in life stems from this reality...can I find life in Leah's eyes?
Am I willing to embrace the Leah's as well as the Rachel's?
Can life emerge from my relationship with both?

Even that which on the outside looks unattractive has the potential to produce life...

1 comment:

Mel said...

"Even that which on the outside looks unattractive has the potential to produce life..."

Even "Fireproof"...