No, I am not gay.
I'm not a woman hater.
I don't have repressed baggage because of my mommy issues.
I'm all for equal rights.
I'm cool as someone living in Washington State to have two women senators, a woman for a Governor and woman for our Mayor and potentially a woman for President.
I just hate...yes, I said HATE...getting my cup of coffee and smelling perfume or scented hand creme all over the stinking cup.
I can't enjoy the smell of coffee which is one of the main reasons I enjoy it...because these women have to lather themselves like a buttered ham on Thanksgiving with all the latest manufactured body stink. So please...if you pour coffee for the public, remember that we come to purchase a latte...not an olfactory assault by a ludicrously lathered lady barrister.
1 comment:
Well, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
As I sit in the theater, lean back and relax in joyous anticipation of a thrill a minute; in comes next years contestant for the world's biggest loser, arms bulging with peanuts, popcorn necco wafers and ju ju bees, sits down besides me and I'm left with a dusting of husks and confections that sounded as though devored by starving wild beast eating their last prey!
Love Dad
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