Micah is my youngest, he just turned eight years old and last night he gave me one of the most precious gifts...his support.
Towards the end of the message, I glanced at Micah who was sitting next to LeeElla and noticed he was fully engaged with the preaching. We met eyes...and for a instant I knew that my heart was passing into his heart...my passion was his passion...he was being formed. At the very end of service, after preaching from the deepest places of my heart and spirt, I was overcome on the pulpit with tears during the closing prayer. It was a holy moment, when the only right response is to bow deeply in your heart, weep and embrace the penetrating light and life of God's word and just worship....in silence.
After I closed, he was the first one to come up to me and asked: "Dad, are you ok?" I took him in my arms and told him that I was fine. As we were walking home, he was holding my hands and he said: "Dad, I enjoy hearing you preach...I want to come every Sunday night." Later I took him aside and told him that those words meant very much to me and gave him a hug.
As I reflect on moments like that, I find myself overwhelmed with gratitude that I have the chance to share this pastoring experience with my children. I truly, truly, truly am grateful for the privilege of preaching the word of God and for the call of God that not only envelopes my life but the life of my family too.
Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. -Psalms 127:3
Well, this is a good report. I trust that Jesus will draw all my children and grandchildren to himself. My great grandfather would be proud to see the faithfulness of God to this sixth generation. This is a post of a budding world changer, wait and see.
Love Dad
That must be an incredible feeling. I know that I feel overwhelmed when I just get a smile or a reached out hand from my baby.
I was wondering what you felt has changed your preaching (unless it has always been like that) so that it is so passionate and full of fire?
Some dishes just come out of the Spirit Oven more spicy and hot than others...not sure why, I just try to serve what is cooked up.
It has always been like that.
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