Thursday, September 18, 2003

I have been re-working my "Ancient Paths" game lately.
Taking it from a paper RPG (Role Playing Game) to a hybrid RPG/Card game.
After play testing the whole RPG concept on a few little guinea pigs, I came to a conclusion:
That it didn't scratch the itch I was wanting to scratch. There were too many snags that prevented me from accomplishing what I wanted when I started this project .

Here a few things I have discovered that are redirecting me in the creation of this game:
* I want to play not spend hours creating a campaign to play. When the itch to play comes or the time, I want to be able to play. The card format allows that not the RPG.

* There is just too many things to replicate, create, design to create a completely "sanitized" game. It has gotten overwhelming to try to reproduce or create a gaming system that is unique from the D&D system. In game play minus a few difference, it looked just like a Wizards of the Coast game.

* Card games are cheaper and easier to make. This is true in some instances.

* Card games have less stigma associated with them. This is a big one, there is just so much negative spin in certain circles on the whole issue, of course that isn't true for video games though. You can play butt loads of rpg games online or with your computer or whatever and there seems to be no negative connections. Strange paradox.

So if your interested in this stuff, please pray that I would be able to find the creative game play mechanics that I need to crossover the RPG format to a playable Card game. I like the LOTR card game and want to head in that direction but would love to hammer out a system of play that isn't a copy but stands on its own.

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