Thursday, September 18, 2003

A Church or a Crowd?
"One of the fundamental issues of misunderstanding that leads to corrupt churchmanship in our generation is the failure to distinguish between a crowd and a church. The failure to distinguish between a crowd and a church misunderstand everything about preaching, everything about ministry, everything about our task."
"Let us never mistake a crowd for a church or think our business is to draw a crowd."
-Al Mohler

I think this is a often foreign truth to so many within the church and within a lot of leadership in the church.
I know that I have struggled with this thinking paradigm. I must confess that my struggles have come from the scriptures as well as cultural influences on big is better (Acts 2 being an example).

The only place where this kind of struggle isn't seen is in family. It seems everyone knows that in the family, small is better in the sense of being able to nurture, provide for, protect etc......Now granted one persons idea of small is different form the other(I have 5 children) but in principle it is the same.
But that general understanding doesn't seem to translate into many other areas.

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