Sunday, May 21, 2006

Why you feel dead inside...

St Augustine says that hope has two beautiful daughters: anger at the way things are and courage to see to it they do not remain the way they are.

It amazes me how little anger there really is in the church these days. I have gotten hammered so many times for being to harsh, caustic, angry etc...but I have to ask, why aren't more people angry? Oh I hear a lot of complaining and frustration but how much of that translates to action? It is easy to deconstruct something but to construct something is completely different!

Are we willing to give our lives in courage to a seemingly impossible task? But what is worth giving your life for if it doesn't have such a ring of impossibility to it. Do you really only want to be engaged in the possible? How will you ever come to experience the true nature and character of your God if you never step out of the understandable, the predictable and the achievable?

As Reinhold Niebuhr said, ?Nothing that is worth doing can be achieved in our lifetime.

Are you angry about anything? Is courage whispering in your ears anymore? Are you involved in anything that requires courage? Maybe that is why you feel so dead inside...


Michael McMullen said...

Yes, actually. I'm starting to think that's exactly why.

It's so easy to talk, it takes effort to walk.

MaryMGlynn said...

Glad to see this message you write here. Eric this is so true. Our church this week said "if your here to just warm benches, then maybe your in the wrong place".
Its true mother Theresa said " if your not doing it for Christ then leave now". Your right on with this!!