Friday, October 27, 2006

Devils don't laugh...

Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
It amazes me that so often it is Christians that seem so bound, uptight, ridged, timid, fretful, skittish, paranoid, fearful, witless, humorless, constipated, frigid, morbidly melancholy, pissy and prissy.

It's a sad thing that many have become imprisoned in a block of religious ice that has frozen them. They are stiff and bland, afraid of humanness or life. They project a world in shadows instead of dawning light. They see evil everywhere, in the person, in the food, in the arts, in the fields, in the home, in conversations. They remind me of the person with the eyes of darkness, soon they become filled with shadows. They can't see light only the black. Such religion has the fall as the first act of creation and not the "IT IS GOOD" as the first proclamation of God. Creation and goodness is what we are returning to. It is what we are being transformed into from faith to faith. We are not as we will be but we are becoming more than we were.

He is called the Sunrise from on High in the book of Malachi for a reason. Jesus himself said that it was now day and we were to work in the knowledge that night was coming when no man can work. BUT that night is NOT HERE YET! The earth is being filled with the light of the knowledge of God found in the face of Christ. His face is shinning with the light of the Sun and when it hits full day, we shall be transformed by that light into his image, even our own bodies will be changed in that hour.

According to scriptures the dawn came with the birth of the what time is it now? Whatever time it is, it is time to reveal life as God calls it to be lived. We walk in the light not the shadows. He is the light of life...and those who follow Him are free in that light, to live with joy, to laugh often and to love passionately and fervently, to exude hope and faith like one who is dangerously confident.

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be received with thanksgiving: For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereupon thou hast attained. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-6).

Notice what the doctrines that demons bring, notice what it is that they cause people to depart from, are seduced by and listen to. Notice the words “forbidding and commanding and abstaining” compared to the words “created, received, thanksgiving, truth, good”. Now gather with most christians or listen to most sermons and tell me...which set of words do you hear the most? What point of reference is their gospel coming from? What “doctrines” are they teaching? Where do those thoughts about God, life and truth come from? I submit to you that much of what is communicated isn’t the truth of the Gospel but yet more perverted truth of a fallen serpent...doctrines of demons.

After Darkness, Light!


FCB said...

Yes, you have German blood, but I didn't notice the likeness of you and Luther unitl this photo :)

Interesting post, strong, persuasive and certainly provokes one to thought. I would like to know more specifics, what are some examples. I'm so set in my ways without a clear example I'm sure I will lose much of your point.

Matt said...

Not many people dress like Luther to make a point. you rock!

Michael McMullen said...

The whole's you. Very Reformation meets French poet.

Excellent post by the way.