Monday, October 23, 2006

Facing the Fear of Feasting...

Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
Worship with body


Matt said...

On second thought, SUPER SIZE it!

I think most of my unwillingness to celebrate come from my understanding that I fall short of my where I should be with God. I whip myself into shape, I admit it. But I also know that what I do is looked at by others and we reflect what we believe by what we do or how we do it. I would really like to drive a Range Rover, but I don't... I would really like to buy shoes twice as expensive but I don't... I would really like to eat the whole pack of Oreos but I share with Nic instead...

FCB said...

That was an interesting post! And I agree with Matt, I have a hard time celebrating, but then, where are any role models in such a thing? I enjoyed the post and it sure makes a body think. I like the writings of T.Dewitt Talmage because he has a gusto for life, the same with H.W. Beecher, not squandering money foolishly, but not recoiling from the good, the beautiful in the world. I'm reminded of the Star Papers, how Beecher squeezes the juice out of life's simplicities. Love it.
And who can disagree with the author's conclusions about love-making, would that all have such an outlook.
Very interesting son.....

Unknown said...

I think there is a profound difference between celebrating and materialism or gluttony. I am going to write more on this subject but for now, here is one thought I had in response to this article. It is as much a sin to not celebrate as it is to disobey any other command in the scriptures. God commanded festivals, celebrations and wild displays of undeserved giving. The Jubilee comes to mind.
Freely receiving and freely enjoying are godly, as is a same spirit of giving in the context of a great banquet mentality where there is plenty provided.