Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
I was talking to a woman, a sister, a refugee from Liberia the other day. She shared how she worked hard but had little money. I asked why. She said, she works, earns money and when she cashes her check and looks at the left over money and knows that it could feed some of her friends and family back in the refugee camp.
She sends it.
She said...I have no bank account...people are my bank account.
God give us more refugees...to teach us what it means to know you.
Did not your father (King Josiah) eat and drink and do justice and righteousness? Then it was well with him. He plead the case of the afflicted and needy; then it was well with him. Is not that what it means to know me? But your eyes and your heart are intent only upon your own dishonest gain...-Jeremiah 22:15-17
I have had similar conversations with immigrants, they are hard working and send home all their money, but that neeeded for bare necessaties. I think this is one of the great things about being exposed to people in need through pictures, and video. It personalizes the people and as time and exposure continue, they become people you begin to care for, and ultimately, to help in the ways you can. As the burden grows so does the sacrifices we are willing to make. No doubt if we had a family member stranded in a desperate situation, we would make many sacrifices to help, God would have us see all as family.
Love Dad
extremely powerful, thank you for this post.
-anony mouse
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