Saturday, November 15, 2008



Anonymous said...

The only thing missing was the Store Manager asking everyone in the shop to hold their mug high and repeat after him as follows, "All right, hold up your mug and say it like you mean it: This
is my coffee, I am what Starbucks says I am, I have what they say I have, I can do what they say I can do. Today I'll be taught all wisdom asprinted on the Starbucks cup. I boldly confess my mind is as alert as only a highly caffienated mind could be, and my heart is receptive to a $4.00 bowl of oatmeal. I will never be the same, in Howard Shultz's name, Amen."

joey said...

they will not be back next
i would have laughed harder, but the sad thing is i've been to churches like that....

FCB said...

Have mercy, I'm going to a church like that! I think the barista on the video works the coffee bar in the atrium.
I don't like to poke fun at the church but this creative video captured precisely the emotions I sometimes feel. What is the name for that?
I don't doubt the motives or intentions, nor the devotion of the staff. But........ it's not working for me.
Love Dad