Thursday, August 03, 2006

The barbarians lovers...

stripped bare
Originally uploaded by ericblauer.
I will also give you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your shrines, demolish your high places, strip you of your clothing, take away your jewels and leave you naked and bare...then I will stop you from playing the harlot. -Ezekiel 16:39-41

God in His mercy comes to us in those times when our "lovers" have left us broken, used up, raped, weary, vile and destitute. God's judgment on our sin is simply God allowing us to go our own way, follow our own lusts, choose our own will. We really judge ourselves.

It is His mercy and grace that "stops us from playing the harlot".

Left to ourselves we will choose darkness...we will follow a way that seems right but in the end leads only to our death. It is His great love that causes Him to break in on our own self-destructions and lifts us out of our insanity. We will choose sin over's in our blood.

The world, the flesh and the devil sing a siren song that lures us away from our Father's house. Left to ourselves we will follow the dark desires that surge and slither in our own flesh. Eventually we will find that what seemed like a delicious opportunity to eat from a luscious piece of forbidden fruit; actually turns to rottenness in our mouths and ferments into bile-like sourness in our spiritual bellies.

Our lovers are liars.

They will tear down the shrines, the memorials of the past. They will seek to raze the monuments once built in praise to your God and His deliverance.

Every High place will be brought low...all your accents will be swallowed in a dismal descent into hopelessness and vanity.

Your precious garments, the robes once weaved to cover your sin will be stolen from you; exposing your nakedness again. The beautifying of God will be trashed...your beauty marred...your virginity scarred.

In the end, after they have had their way with you...they will leave you with nothing...stripped and bare...ashamed and will wail in sorrow and regret...

Unless, He chooses to show you His mercy...thankfully He does.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful, powerful, and true words! Thank you Jesus for your mercy. As far as the picture goes...If this is PG-13 and R is coming, I am going to need to instal a filter to protect me from your blog! Do we really need the breast showing to get a point across?